25 III 🐺

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The woods suddenly woke up.....by the sound of crunching dry leaves.............
Igoring the rough surface... poking tree branches...coldness two small white leg running aimlessly.....leaving the small lake behind. Finally when they stopped the senerio has changed.....so as the surface under them....green velvety grass. Although it was cold but quite comfortable...the owner of those feet looked in front.

A beautiful creation........ A modern elegantly designed banglow....in nature.
It's colorful lights break the usual vibes of forest but....it self glowing.... 'the owner of this banglow must created this to spend some private time with his special someone.....' When this thought came to his mind....the owner of small feet started running again....just like tears running on his pale face.

When feeling lack of energy he finally stopped and looked around with teary eyes.........it already big forest.

"........you're.... my blood.... my soul..... my life..... there is....nothing....I can't... do.....for....you....there is nothing more
.....important....noone...is precious....."
he said after a long pause and cupped his tiger's face.

"Papa.....I...." Trueblood got helpless.

".....but......if you're are....not happy... you are in pain...then....it's it's....my fault...." Jin wiped her tear.

"No...no...Papa....I didn't mean that..... I have nothing against you....two........
I just....hate.......that.....creep!!!!....he destroy my childhood...." Taehyung stood up.

".....Is there anything more painful to hear your own child's suffering...." Jin closed his eyes in pain.

".....You think.....your childhood has
.....destroyed????" The pack leader asked.

".....I...I...couldn't get which was mine" Taehyung said.

"....and what exactly that?" Namjoon crossed his arms.

May be he is a trueblood....but watching Kim Namjoon in his strong aura....he got nervous...... "your....time...attention

"......and your childhood destroyed...... then think about that child who didn't have roof over head.....food to survive
....family to protect....reason to live.... and some dangerous people behind to kill....what he should feel Tae?....what would you do....leave that helpless on his fate?" Namjoon asked.

For the first time Taehyung couldn't find words..... Namjoon patted his shoulder slowly.

"You would do what we did...I know
...cause you're our blood...."

"Then why he separated me from you?
....why he took my everything? .....why made my life hell....????" Taehyung shouted.

"......how???....praying for you every night before sleep to moon goddess... distributing food to orphanage at your every birthday.....or worshipping you all the time.......you told that he separated you from us.....do you know he's the one who asks me three times of day....I call you or not.....The day your dad took him company....he told 'it's all hyung's....I have no right on it'...you think he took your everyting..........." Jin took a deep breath.

Taehyung stood there like statue....

"That day I told you about his play cause he was playing the character of trueblood....and I was excited cause that kid was  calling his friends and telling them about your swim medel proudly........ I was more upset than you that I couldn't meet you at your birthday..... it is not for him for your security.......but know the guy bought birthday gift for you from his pockets money every year which your dad used to reach you....when he was small he helped me to bake cake and now he do it by himself.......and that badminton championship.....it not any school meeting....some children locked him in a dark room we had to go there.......and that graduation day.....he got injury cause he fight with some alphas....they called you coward...........and report card.....it just he wants to show you he is improving" Jin smiled

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