Chapter 6

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The door creaked open and in walked the familiar figure, he saw the rope on the floor and before he could turn around a massive 'crack' echoed in the room.

Adriana struck Tom on the side of the head and he fell to the ground. She ran towards the hall and found a stairway.

Running down it she heard shouting coming from behind her.

"Adriana! Don't even try it!" Tom shouted after her, pure venom in his voice.

She got to the bottom of the stairs and kept going toward the door.

The footsteps behind her were getting louder and faster. Still she didn't look behind her.

There was a gun on a table and she grabbed it on her way out. Luckily the door was unlocked and she fell down the stairs onto the drive way.

Her knees were bloody, her wrists and ankles scratched and bloody from the rope but she got back up.

"Stop!...Adrianna!" Tom was right behind her now.

A gunshot flew beside her and made her duck. She turned round and pointed the gun at him.

She didn't shoot. Neither did he.

He could of easily hit her, she knew that. Yet he didn't.

"Give me your keys!" She demanded, holding out her bloodied hand.

He looked at her, a look of desperation on his face. He didn't want her to leave.

His gun, still pointed at her, hers at him. Neither of them backing down.

He took his keys from his pocket and threw them to her. She caught them and slowly got into the car, keeping her eye and gun aimed at him.

"Don't do this Adriana, you'll regret it." Tom threatened.

"You'll regret ever kidnapping me!" She snapped back. Turning the ignition and speeding off.

In the rear view mirror she could see him standing there, gun down by his side. He looked...sad.

She drove and drove until she was sure she wasn't followed

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She drove and drove until she was sure she wasn't followed.

After ditching the car on the side of a road surrounded by nothing but fields, she got out and started walking.

It felt like she had been walking forever until she saw the glow of street lamps in the distance.

Banging on the door of someone's house she tried to keep herself from keeling over.

She hadn't eaten in hours, her legs and feet hurt from the walking and the cuts.

"Oh my! Are you OK darling?" An old lady appeared from behind the door.

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