001 || 'Really...'

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Warning: Mentions of Abuse
WC: 843
<Natalie Blackwood's Pov>

I walked home with Amber holding my hand as silent tears steamed down my face. I wiped the tears and blood from my face as I approached her down. I knocked loudly. Within a few seconds the door opened and there was Daphne Greengrass. The girl who has never let me down. 

Let's start from the beginning.

I held the pregnancy test in my hands as tears fell from my eyes. I stumbled out of the bathroom and to the door. Mattheo knew something was going on because I was constantly throwing up and I was always craving weird shit.

I was about to knock at his door when I heard something....something I didn't wanna hear. "When are you gonna break up with her babe?" I heard a girls voice echo the room. More tears filled my eyes but I didn't wanna believe it. Was it Draco? His roommate. 

"Soon, Myaa. Soon." His voice sounded cold. But I knew who it was. Mattheo. More tears ran down my face as I stood there. I twisted the doorknob and opened the door with force. It was to be opened to Mattheo, bottoning his shirt while a blonde haired girl laid on his bed. Mattheo's head turned to me and I swear I saw sadness flash his eyes. 

"Really..." I shrugged. "Really." More tears fell from my eyes as I watched the father of my child cheat on me. "You couldn't have just ended it with me, instead you cheated? If you fell out of love you should've told me." I sobbed. His eyes held hurt but his face held pride. 

"Leave. I don't love you anymore." I nodded and walked away. I heard the door slam shut. I ran to the one girl who would stay. Daphne. I ran to her dorm and knocked loudly. She opened the door, took one look at my face and pulled me into her arms, shutting the door. 

"What happened, Nat?" She spoke softly, her words light. 

"I-I-I-I" I couldn't speak. So instead of telling her. I showed her. I grabbed the test out of my back pocket and handed it to her. Her eyes widened as she realized what that test was for. 

"I am sure Mattheo would-"

"He-He is che-cheating on me. I-I found ou-out whe-when I w-was gon-gonna tell hi-him." She froze in place. But her eyes filled with rage. not towards me. But towards him. She pulled me to her chest and rocked me back and forth gently. 

"We will leave Hogwarts and get an apartment in the muggle world. I will help you take care of this child, Natalie. No matter what." I smiled softly. 

"Thank you." I mumbled, cuddling into her. After 2 days we left, Hermione tagging along. We were the trio of Hogwarts and it meant a lot to me that Hermione Jean Granger left Hogwarts all because her friend needed to leave. 

We left. And it was for the better, because just a few months later a war broke out between Hogwarts and Death Eaters which was everywhere in The Daily Prophet. Mattheo being the ring leader, besides Voldy. 

That is how I ended up here. In front of Daphne, Hermione and I's old apartment that is now just Hermione and Daph. Daphne looked me up and down with tears leaving her eyes, already knowing what was happening. Hermione came to the door and looked me up and down.

Tears filled her eyes, knowing what was happening as well. She grabbed amber and brought her to her old room. Daphne grabbed my arm gently but I flinched and her eyes filled with hurt. "Nat, you need to fucking leave." She told me as she pulled me inside.

"But Amber. She needs a dad." 

"Yea well one doesn't know he has a child and the other is a lying, abusive, cheat. At least Mattheo wasn't any of those." Her eyes filled with regret. 

"He is a cheat." I whispered. 

"I am sorr-" I cut her off by collapsing in her arms. 

"I can-can't do it anym-anymore." Blood fell from my lip and my nose. I had already bruising bruises. 

"You need to leave. I'll help you. This needs to end." She mumbled into my hair. I nodded. I felt her smile against me. "I'll help you get your and Amber's shit." I nodded and I heard little footsteps running into the living room I smiled and wiped my tears quickly before turning to her. 

"Hi baby." She smiled, causing me to smile. "Wanna move in with Auntie Daph and Mione?" Hermione's eyes lit up and Amber nodded excitedly. "We will get our stuff tomorrow." She nodded and went to grab a few of her toys that were already there. 

"Thank you, for listening to us." Hermione smiled.

"No, thank you. For helping."


Ok! First chapter. How did y'all like it? And if you remember the Draco Malfoy fanfic I had and it was like this. I just kinda re-wrote it to Mattheo. Lol. Anyways, hope y'all like it and thanks for the support. 

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