002 || Leaving You....Maybe Not

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Warning: Mentions of Abuse
WC: 1077
(For anyone confused 'Jake' is the abusive bf)
<Natalie Blackwood's Pov>

I woke up to my little girl giggling and running around the room. "Katie is here! Katie is here!" She smiled. Katie Bell, Daphne's 3 year girlfriend. She always got along with Amber and they had a bound that was nothing I have ever seen before.

Katie knows everything that is happening, from Mattheo, to Amber, to Jake. She was there but she just stayed in school. I smiled and sat up, letting my feet dangle from the bed. "Let me get dressed bubs." She nodded and skipped out of the room.

I stood up, staying still for a moment gaining my balance and walked to my wardrobe to get a white crop top and some shorts. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, turning on the shower. 

I hopped in and washed my body. I washed my hair yesterday so there was no need today but my body needed to be washed. I turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping the towel around my body. 

I got changed and did some small makeup before I walked downstairs "Mumma!!" Amber ran up to me with her arms opened. I laughed and picked her up, holding her tight. She snuggled her head into my neck and let out a small giggle. 

"Hi Nat." Katie said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around Daph's shoulder. I chuckled at the adorable couple.

"Hi Kat. How are you?" She nodded a bit with a sad smile.

"Parents are getting divorced." I set Amber down and wrapped my arms around Katie's neck. My parents hated me. They never cared where I was or who I was with. So, I wasn't surprised that when I left I never got a letter. 

"Oh I am so sorry Katie." She chuckled but I could tell it was because she didn't wanna keep talking about it. Amber tugged on my shirt again and I bent down to pick her up. Just then Hermione came through the door with a newspaper. 

"Natalie, you may wanna see this." A look of confusion found my face and I walked over to her. She hands me the paper.

Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy and Lorenzo Berkshire, gone missing

I only had to read the title before fear took me over. I always wanted Mattheo to meet Amber when she was older. Maybe 12? I still love Mattheo so much. Draco was like an older brother and Lorenzo was like my boy best friend. 

But why did they all disappear at the same time? "No.." I mumbled as I shook my head. Daphne came up next to me with Katie by her side. "I never wanted him to leave without meeting her.." Mattheo always loved kids. He may be a Riddle but he had a heart.

He always wanted a boy and he loved the name Leo because he loved looking at stars and watching them. Leo was his favorite constellation. I never wanted to keep Amber a secret from him forever. "Momma he has my hair.." Amber pointed to Mattheo's curly brown hair. 

"Y-yea, he-he does..." I sighed and set her down. "How about you go play or watch TV. Momma is gonna go do something, alright." She nodded with a smile and skipped over to the couch putting on her favorite show, Cocomelon. 

"What are you doing, Nat?" Katie asked with some fear in her eyes.

"I'll go to Jake's and get some of our stuff but I just need time to think alone. This kinda fucks up everything.." I trailed off, not wanting to talk more about it. They all nodded and I slipped on my shoes, walking out the door. 

I walked down the street to the apartment I shared with Jake. I walked up the steps and headed to the room 24. When I found it I grabbed my key and opened the door. There were bottles thrown everywhere and blood stains and small puddles. There were wardrobes with dents in them and glass shattered all around the rooms. 

All from last night.

I sighed and shut the door, trying not to cry remembering everything that happened. I sighed when I saw Jake run into the room. His face saddened "Where is Amber?" 

"With the girls..." I went to our room, mine and Amber's, grabbing some clothes and some of her toys, while my makeup and skincare. 

"What are you doing?"

"Getting my shit and leaving." The next thing I knew his hands wrapped around my waist and his face was in my neck. I tensed and tried to move but his grip only tightened. 

"Please don't leave me....I need you...." I sighed and turned to him to see tears falling from his face. 

"You scared me last night..." I whispered I was shaking horribly but it slowly calmed down. Mattheo was always able to calm me down in seconds...

"I know. I know.." He sobbed. He pulled me into his chest and I silently cried into his chest. "Stay with the girls for a bit...if you feel more comfortable there." This is the Jake I knew. But he changed and I think he will try to get better.


I grabbed a few of Amber's and I's clothes before smiling and kissing his cheek. I walked out the door and walked back over to Daphne, Hermione and I's place. I walked in to see a worried Daphne. "You left, right?" I hesitated.

"N-No.." She groaned. 

"Are you fucking kidding me Natalie! He is abusing you! And we need to find Mattheo!" 

She was right...but I didn't wanna admit that. "He loves me." 

"No he doesn't! He has abused you for a year and yet you still go back!" She yelled. Katie walked up behind her and rubbed Daphne's arm. "I am so sick of seeing you show up to my door with blood all over you! I am sick of it!" 

"He was stressed-"

"Stressed with what?! Cheating with other girls?!" Tears formed my eyes. 

"He doesn't cheat.." I shook my head.

"He comes back home with messy hair and comes home fucking late at night...Natalie he is fucking cheating on you!" My hands got shaky and I started having trouble breathing. I shook my head, walking up to my room where I shut the door and slid down it, knowing Amber is with Hermione in her play room. 

My shaking sped up. 

<Daphne Greengrass's Pov> 

I will get Mattheo back and get her the fuck away from Jake....

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