012 || Daphne

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Warning: Talk of Abuse
Wc: 1298
|Natalie's Pov|

I woke up to the eyes of my little girl with Mattheo still laying on top of me, holding me tight. I never once felt his grip loosen. "Mama?" she whispered softly. I held out my arm and she snuggled into my side. "What happened with Dada?"

"I don't know baby, I don't know." I sighed. He shifted a bit and looked up at me with his eyes fluttering open, a faint smile falling onto his lips. His eyes turned to Amber who was smiling.

"Hi baby," he kissed her forehead, she let out a small giggle. I looked around the room to see all of the things scattered around the room with things broken and torn.

"Hi dada," she smiled softly. Mattheo unhooked his arms from around me and brought Amber to him as he slowly lifted himself off of me. She snuggled her head into the crook of his neck and he held her tight, shutting his eyes.

I slowly got up and just like that he pulled me into his arms as well. One arm held Amber and the other held me. I knew something really triggered him but I didn't wanna trigger him again by asking. "I love you guys," he paused "A lot."



He still loves me? Or was that all for the front? What? I couldn't form words to respond so I just let him hold us. I liked the feeling of safety I got from being back in his arms. But I also hated it. Knowing that I love him too.

I heard the door open and I turned my head to see Daphne standing there with a sad smile on her face, a few tears leaking from her eyes.

I quickly pulled myself away from Mattheo and got up, walking to her. She was shaking. Badly. When I got to her she collapsed in my arms. I brought her to the ground, pulling myself to a wall.

Mattheo looked worried, holding Amber. Enzo came in and worry came into his face when he found me holding the girl. I nodded over to Amber. I didn't want her to see this.

Enzo was hesitant but gently pulled Amber away from Mattheo, who was watching us carefully. "Hi baby, it's alright. I'm here."

Her head was in my chest and her arms were wrapped around my waist. My shirt was getting wet with her tears. I didn't care but it scared me.

She never cried. Much less come to someone when she did cry. She was like me. Not wanting to be a burden. "My love, what's wrong?"

She snuggled closer to me as her cries died down slowly. Mattheo was still on the bed, probably debating if he should come over or not.

"Mar-Mar-Marcus," she stuttered. Shit. Marcus was her ex who cheated on her with her sister. I was never more angry in my life.

"What did he want love?" My voice was gentle. Trying to let her know she was safe with me. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone, opening it.


I know where you live.
And I am coming.

Wtf?! Marcus leave me alone.

Sorry, can't do that darlin. I'll see you soon

I shut her phone and hugged her tighter. She let out a quiet sob before speaking again. "He hurt me, Natalie. He like physically hurt me."

My whole body tensed and my eyes snapped to Mattheo who was looking at us with semi-wide eyes now.

A few tears ran down my face as I brought her closer. "I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe my love," I paused, shutting my eyes. "You know I will."

She nodded against me, "But that's what I'm scared of." I pulled her up gently and brought her to the bed.

I know this was Mattheo's room but I didn't wanna walk to my room, even if it was just next door. He moved to the wall and sat criss cross.

I moved next to him and Daphne by my side. I laid her down and covered her with the covers. They were sorta damp from last night but it wasn't bad.

I laid down and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. Like she would on nights I came back from Jack. She turned towards me and gave a soft smile.

"Thank you , Natalie." I smiled and moved her hair out of her face.

"Always," she moved closer to me and her head rested on my chest. Mattheo wrapped his arms around my waist, laying down with me too.

I held Daphne as if she was going to disappear when I let go. She was the only person I could trust with anything and everything.

I felt a tear run down my cheek, understanding her fear. A fear I never wanted any of my friends to share with me. Scared that they'll come back, and hurt you worse.

That fear.

"She'll be ok," he paused now running hand through my hair as the other drew circles on my forearm. "She has you."

I scooted back a bit, still holding onto Daphne. Immediately I felt safe again, being in his arms.

The door opened quietly and in walked a worried Enzo. A smile formed on my face as I saw the boy, watch her as if she was the most important thing in the world.

"Hi Enz," I smiled. "Shes ok right now." He nodded and went slowly towards the door but I could tell he didn't wanna leave. "You know, you should tell her."

"Huh?" He looked at me confused.

"You should tell her you love her." His eyes widened and he shook his head.

"What-what no! I don't like her"

"You think I'm that stupid. I saw the way you looked at her like she was the most important thing in the world to you just now. I see the way you care for her."

His cheeks flushed and he nodded softly before shutting the door and walking away. "I love you, Natalie. I mean like still. I never stopped."

I froze.

The smile dropped from my face and I shut my eyes. Repeating the words in my head. "N-no you don't" I shook my head.

"I do. I have. I love you more then anything. I love you and Amber more then anything."

"I need time, Mattheo. I do love you too. But you gotta look at it from my view. I still can't trust you like I used to."

"However long it takes," he kissed the back of my head and put his chin on my shoulder as I held Daphne and he held me.

"What happened? Last night, I mean." I could feel him tense around me.



"Nothing!" He shouted a bit, causing me to jump out of his arms a bit and snuggle closer to Daphne.

He isn't scary.

His voice is.

I felt Daphne wrap her arms around me but I knew she was still asleep. Guess she just knew.

I felt Mattheo get out of his bed and walk towards the door, shutting it. I opened my eyes and let out a sigh of relief.


That's all that ran through my head. I pulled Daphne onto the bed more and held her tight.

The door opened and I was scared it was Mattheo but I looked to see my baby girl, holding a blanket and I stuffed animal.

I smiled and moved my head, letting her know I wanted her to climb in. I wrapped around my arm around Amber as well.

Holding the 2 most important girls in my life.

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