014 || Finally

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Warning: None
Wc: 607
|Natalie's Pov|

It felt as if I was floating. His hands slid around my waist, pulling me closer. We both pulled away slowly, letting our foreheads rest on one another. "I love you too," I finally said back. His grip around my waist tightened slightly. 

"I love you more," he paused. "I always have." I smiled and reconnected our lips. It was full of love. We both needed this. We both missed this. We pulled away again, both of us smiling like idiots. 

"Let me finish cleaning you up," I smiled softly. He nodded and lifted his head up. I grabbed the cloth again and began rubbing the blood from his knuckles. Once I was done I brought it to the laundry that was in the bathroom and threw it in. 

He hopped off the counter and smiled, pulling me by my waist. I smiled up at him. He leaned down a bit and gave a light peck on my lips. "Can you be my girlfriend...again." he tilted his head again. 

I nodded with a wide grin, bringing my lips to his once again. I heard things falling in the the room and got myself out of Mattheo's arms, walking to the living room. "Baby?" I called out. Amber came out with the biggest smile.

"Momma and dadda are back!" she jumped up. I chuckled and kissed her head.

"Yes, we are," her smile somehow grew and ran over to Mattheo, who was behind me smiling like an idiot too. He picked her up and she dug her head into his neck. I smiled and walked over to Daphne who was looking at us smiling. "How are you darling?" 

I sat beside her and she rested her head in my lap as I let my hand run through her hair. "Is he gone?" she asked with a small voice. I simply nodded and gave a light smile. "Then I am perfect." Just then Enzo, Draco, Mattheo and Amber all walked in. 

Enzo glares at me. "She was mine first Lorenzo." he puts a hand to his heart, acting offended.

"No, I was."

"Daph, back me up." I looked down at the smiling girl.

"Natalie, is right." 

"Ha!" I pointed my finger at him. He rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair. Mattheo sat down next to me with Amber in his lap, resting on his chest. 

"Shut up." 

"You'd cry." I said with a small smirk, knowing I got him. He stared at me as if I brought in an animal he was deathly allergic to. I laughed and Daphne did too. A hand slipped into mine, giving it a light squeeze. 

A light blush crept to my face as I squeezed it back. Amber was laying on his chest with her eyes open, just watching us. Daddy's girl already. Mattheo had his other arm wrapped around Amber, keeping her up so she doesn't fall.

Pansy soon walked in and took a seat next to Draco, who wrapped his arm around her waist. Soon Katie and Hermione walked in, hand in hand. I smiled at them as they took a seat on the floor. 

Daphne still had her head in my lap. I leaned over and let my head rest on Mattheo's shoulder as the group talked, like we had never been spit up. 

This was it.

This was home.


God I am stupid. 

So I remembered writing this and making Daphne gay, dating Katie. Then I remembered making her like Lorenzo while dating Katie. So can we like, pretend Katie was dating Hermione from the very beginning?

So stupid. 


And sadly, there is one more chapter before this book is complete.

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