003 || Giggles

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Warning: Talk of Abuse
WC: 878
<Natalie Blackwood's Pov>

I stayed in my room the rest of the night. Amber came in a bit later and snuggled up with me while we were watching movies and I tried not to sob. I miss the nights when Mattheo and I would watch movies. Or watch the stars. I miss him

Amber was sound asleep, holding my shirt in a fist, the door opened and I tried to wipe my tears fast but it wasn't fast enough for Hermione to not see. Her brown busy hair, that has gotten more time over time, dropping beautifully over her shoulders. 

She gave me a soft smile and quietly slipped into bed next to me. She wrapped her arms around my torso and her head rested on my shoulder. "She is just trying to make sure you don't get hurt again...and being with Jake we know you will be." She sighed. 

"But I love him." It came out as a whisper. 

"That's the thing...you don't. You like the idea of Amber having a dad because you left the one you truly love..he abuses you, Natalie, that isn't love." My grip on Amber tightened and I felt more tears slip from my eyes. 

"Mama..." Amber whispered. I used my free arm to wipe my tears and she turned over to face Mione and I. 

"Yes baby?" I felt Hermione smile against me. 

"Why are you cwing? I don't lwie to see my mama cwing." A small smile played on my lips and Amber's arm rested on my forearm and she started drawing circles on my forearm. Like Mattheo always used to do when he was calming me down from something. 

"Mama is ok. She is just tired.." 

"Then go to sleep!" 

"Not that kinda tired." I mumbled. "Turn around and go back to sleep, stinker." She giggled. I could listen to her little laughs all day. I smothered her face in kisses and she couldn't stop giggling. Hermione pulled her hands away from my torso and let me make Amber laugh, knowing I needed it. 

Just then the door opened once again and I turned to see some dirty blonde hair. Daphne. A smile played on my lips and she smiled at us. "Wow, look at my family." She giggled. She always referred to us as 'her family' because in all reality we were. 

She climbed into bed with us and it felt like I was home again. Like old times when Amber was young and nothing was hard or complicated. "I am sorry," Daph whispered.

"You are just trying to protect me.." She mumbled something that I couldn't understand but I brushed it off. "Alright, wanna go to the park and a coffee shop?" Something glistened in Daphne's eyes but I couldn't quite tell what it was. 

We always went to this coffee shop and the park before. It was like the girls and I's thing before Amber was born and we decided to keep it going with her because we thought she could enjoy it and we were right, she loves it. 

Hermione smiled and Daphne..smirked? "Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!" Amber said with the most joy in her voice. 

"Maybe we could get Pansy in the mix?" Hermione added. My eyes lit up and I nodded like I was a kid. Pansy and I were always the best of friends in Slytherin everyone knew we would kill someone for each other and we always referred to one another as our soulmate, platonically of course. 

Daphne was just there for me when the break up happened and Amber came but that never meant I stopped loving Pansy any less, she just wanted to finish her studies and be with Draco, her boyfriend and I never once blamed her for not coming. 

"So, how about this Saturday, at 12pm?" Amber frowned

"That is soo lwngg." I giggled at her mispronunciation but I also found it adorable. 

"It is a day away baby." She giggled and snuggled closer to me, with her head rested on my chest while Daphne's hand slipped into mine. Katie walked in and her face lit up at the fact my bed was filled with the people we loved so dearly. She let out a chuckle before jumping onto the bed that created a pile. 

We all laughed and this, this is what I missed. The girls just being the girls and making everything fun while we watched a movie or hung out with Amber. But something was in Daphne's eyes that I couldn't make out but I couldn't get over the look she had in them.

She was genuinely happy but there was something else, that I couldn't quite pin down. 


So today my school had a half day and I just didn't go to school but for some reason I just couldn't come up with what to write for this so sorry if it sucks but this chapter was kinda needed in a way.

Thank you guy for 1.1k on my imagines book and 3.1k on My Everything while this book is just starting to come together. This makes me so happy and I can't put into words how thankful I am for you guys. So, when I say I love you guys, I really, really do!

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