006 || His Side

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Warning: Abuse
WC: 877
<Natalie Blackwood's Pov>

"Myaa, was just some girl that my father gave me to use so I could get rid of you. I hated seeing the way your face broke. I hated it, but I had no choice if I wanted to keep you safe. I will apologize for leaving you but I refuse to apologize for keeping you safe. After that I kicked Myaa out. I never wanted you to leave Hogwarts but thank god you did." He sighed.

I knew he was talking about the war. I felt a few tears fall but I hated the way I wanted to go back into his arms. Even though I was dating Jake. "C-Can I-I hold her?" He asked with a few tears falling from his eyes. 

I looked at Amber and saw she was already looking up at me, with a big smile. A small smile found its way to my face, "Can he hold you?" 

"Who is he mommy?" She whispered. 

"Your father.." She nodded almost instantly and got off my lap and went to Mattheo. She snuggled her head in the crook of his neck as he rubbed her back softly. The boys and my girls came back in once they saw Amber in Mattheo's arms. 

Daphne came next to me and brought me to her. "Park?" She whispered. I snuffled and nodded, a smile appearing on my lips. 

"Baby?" Amber took her head away from Mattheo's neck and looked at me, "Wanna go to the park?" A big smile came to her face.

"Park! Park! Park!" She giggled. She got out of Mattheo's arms and ran to the door. I laughed and shook my head, walking over to Selena. 

"Hey Sel!" She turned around with a smile, "Hey ya go!" I said as I handed her money. 

"No! You do this every time!" 

"Yes, I do! And I won't stop! So take it!" She rolled her eyes and took the money from my hand and brought me into a hug. 

"Thank you," She whispered. I nodded and laughed. She pulled away and kissed my cheek before turning around and getting back to her work. I looked towards Amber and laughed when I saw the sight.

She had her small hands on her hips and her foot tapping the ground with an annoyed expression on her face. "What are you doing Amber," 

"You talk to, to many people, too much." I rolled my eyes and walked up to her, picking her up.

"You have your fathers attitude." I heard a dramatic gasp behind me.

"Wow! I take offense to that!" I laughed and shook my head as I opened the door for everyone to walk out. 




"Would you wanna take Amber for the night?" He nodded and smiled before taking Amber into his arms and walking down the trail and yelling a 'thank you' which made me laugh. Everyone went home and Mattheo, Amber and I got some 'family time' which I never thought would ever happen. 

I was walking home, the one with Jake. I haven't been home in a while and I felt bad so I walked up the steps to our apartment and opened the door. "Jake, I am home!" I said as I took off my coat and put it on the coat rack.

Within seconds a forearm was against my throat and I was back against a wall. "Where the hell were you!" Jake yelled. 

"I-I to-told yo-you I wa-was ou-out wi-with th-the girls fo-for a-a whi-while. I-I ju-just w-wanted to co-come hom-home ton-tonight." I felt the oxygen slowly get cut off. "J-Jake st-stop" He backed up and slapped me.

My hand flew to my cheek and tears started falling from my eyes. "Please...stop.." I whispered. Before I knew it a glass was being thrown at me. I yelped in pain when one of the shards got stuff into my upper arm as I blocked my face.

"Stop yelling!!" He screamed. He pushed, making me fall on the floor, "Why. The fuck. Where. You. Out. So Late." 

"It is literally 7:30!! I never even told you I was coming home tonight!!" He bent down and got close to my face and that was when I could smell it. The alcohol. The weed. More tears flowed when he kicked my side. 

At least Amber wasn't here. 

I thought. He kept kicking my side, making it get harder to breathe. My eyes fluttered shut and before I knew it, everything stopped and it was calm.

<Daphne Greengrass's Pov>

She still wasn't home and I was getting worried. "Daph, chill she probably just caught up with Mattheo.." Katie said as she kissed my cheek and rubbed my arm.

"Call him, please." I whispered. She nodded and pulled out her phone, clicking his contact and then it started ringing. 

"Hello, Katie?" 

"Hey, Mattheo. Is- um- Natalie with you?"

"No, why? Just Amber and I." My eyes widened, small tears forming in my eyes. 

"No no no no no.." I said.

"What is going on!?" Mattheo's panicked voice asked. 

"Jake," I said. Katie's eyes widened and so did Hermione's. I took the phone from Katie, "Please Mattheo, I will explain everything but Natalie really needs you right now." I didn't have to ask him twice before I heard the door opening and closing.

"On my way." The line, then went dead. 

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