A Friendly Stranger

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I woke up the next morning to the sunlight pouring through the windows, right on my face. I get up and stumble over to the window, pulling the curtains closed, then throwing myself back onto the couch, waking Clay up in the process.

"What time is it..?" He grumbles before tumbling off the couch while trying to reach his phone on the floor.

I laugh and look at my phone reading the time. "It's only eight-thirty." I answer with a sigh. We had stayed up til three last night watching horror movies and eating all of the food in our apartment, which was a box of macaroni and cheese and a half eaten container of biscuits.

"I need coffee.." he grumbles again, standing up and stumbling over to the small kitchen and opening up all of the cabinets before saying; "we need to go shopping. Immediately. But first, we get coffee."

"Go get dressed and we'll go," I say, getting up and going to my own room, dumping out all of the trash bags of clothes on the floor and fishing out a t-shirt, jeans, and a zip-up, then getting dressed and going back out to the living room where Clay was waiting on the couch. "You ready?"

"Eh.." he pushes himself up and shuffles over to the door, opening it very aggressively and leaving.

I follow him down the stairs and out the door, and we start towards the cafe that we had been to the day before. I look over to Clay who had is arms inside his shirt, shivering. "Did you really not think to wear a jacket?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

"Hey, I just woke up, okay? You can't just expect me to remember things."

"Well in that case, don't fret, I predict that we will arrive at our destination before long" I joke.

"Ha ha, very funny. Just remind me next time to get a jacket or something because I swear to god if you dont, i'm stealing yours."

"Okay, you steal them all the time anyways, so there's not much of a difference," I shrug.

"Pfft, what?? Yeah, right... so, anyways, are we almost there?"

I scoff and shake my head. "It's literally right there." I say, pointing towards the cafe. Clay starts to sprint towards it and I follow him inside, making him go sit down while I order.

"Hello miss, what can I get for you?" The woman at the counter asks.

"Hello, i'll have a black coffee and a green tea, please."

"Alright, that'll be £5.50."

I reach into my pocket for my wallet, but realize that I had forgotten it at home. I mentally hit myself and tell the woman to wait while I go ask Clay, but of course he doesn't have money either. "I'm so sorry," I say to the woman. "I guess i'll just have to come back later," I give her smile and turn around, accidentally bumping into the person behind me and stumbling backwards. I look at the person and see a very tall man, which I find very intimidating. "I- dammit... sorry," I say quickly and wave to him before rushing over to where Clay was sitting. "Sorry to tell you, but if you want your coffee then you'll have to go back and get the money. I don't give a shit about tea."

"Jeez, looks like someone woke up on the wrong end of the couch," he jokes. "But there's no way in hell I'm going all the way back there."

"Well we're gonna have to go back at some point to get money for groceries, might as well go now."

"Eh.. you can go."

"Come on you lazy ass, lets just go!" I stand up and place my hand on my hips, trying to get him to get up when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see the same man that I had bumped into before. "Yes..?" I ask, praying that he's not trying to start a fight or something.

"Here," he hands me two to-go cups. "Black coffee and green tea, correct?"

I let out a sigh of relief and take the cups from him. "Um, yes. You really didn't have to do that, thank you.."

"No problem. I didn't know if it was for here or to-go, so I made them to-go, just in case."

"Yeah, thats perfect. Thank you again, but we really have to get going, so.."

"Ah, okay, i'll see you around then," he gives a small smile and walks back to where he was sitting.

I stand there for a second before handing the cup of coffee to Clay. "That was nice of him," I say, taking a sip of tea.

"God I wanna marry that man," Clay says and I laugh.

"It's just coffee,"

He looks me dead in the eyes. "Anything for coffee."

"Hm. That's not surprising."

Before we leave, I take a glance at man from before. He had brown curly hair, glasses, and a very deep yet nice voice. Honestly, I don't know what I was scared of now. We head back to our place to get money, then went and got groceries and finished unpacking our things once we got home.

"Hm.. looks like the weather is gonna be nicer tomorrow," Clay says after jumping onto my bed and checking his phone.

"Oh, good.." I answer.

Hello my friends, how everyone doing? I forgot to edit this chapter before, so I did that and also got a bit of constructive criticism from my bestie (they're and amazing writer btw check out their stuff) so thanks to them for helping me out a bit. I tried to not make the ending so abrupt but I couldn't really find a way not make it better, so that's jus how it gon be.


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