A New Beginning... Again

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I drop a few boxes on the floor of my new flat, it making a loud shattering sound when it hit the floor. "Shit.." I mumble to myself and stand there for a second before brushing it off and stepping out into the hallway to get more boxes.

"You break a dish again?" My best friend, Clayton, asks as he walks through the door and grabs a few more boxes.

"Yes," I groan and roll my eyes, sighing. "You know, maybe you should just bring the rest of the boxes in, that way I don't break anything else," I give him a hopeful smile, but he just laughs.

"I think you'll be fine. Besides, I've got my own stuff to bring in too."

"Yeah, fine. Just though i'd give it a try," I chuckle and bring in the last two boxes.

He laughs also and launches himself onto the couch that was sitting in the middle of the room, sighing.

I sit down next to him and look out the window at the sun that had just came up a few hours ago. "A new day, a new beginning. Again..."

Clay and I had just moved to a city called Brighton. I had just gotten out of a relationship in which my parter had cheated on me, and almost got two people (including me) killed, and needed a knew start. As for Clay, he moved here from America a few weeks ago for god knows what reason. I guess you could say he's more the 'fuck everything and go with it' type, and I'm the 'get away from your problems by moving' type. So now we're living together in a decently sized flat in a large town with no idea where to start.


After unpacking all of our things, Clay and I decided to go out for a bit and explore, which was probably the best idea since neither of us had any knowledge of the town and where everything was. We walk down the sidewalk looking for a place to go when we spot a small coffee shop on the corner. The inside was very small and cozy, and smelled of freshly baked pastries and hot tea.

"What do you want?" Clay asks before walking up to the counter.

"Black tea and a blueberry scone, please." I tell him with a smile, handing him a few pounds and walking towards a small table by the window.

"God, you're so British," I hear him say jokingly as I walked away.

The table I sat at had little pumpkin themed salt and pepper shakers, I'm guessing because of the new season having just arrived. Although, I did notice that it is a rather sunny day for autumn.

Clay soon comes back with our drinks in one hand and a small paper bag in the other.

"Thank you." I say, taking my drink and scone. "What did you get?" I ask, blowing on my tea before taking a sip.

"Black coffee," he answers, smiling warmly and taking a sip also, but burning his tongue in the process.

"Really? I don't know how you drink that stuff.. it's so bitter!"

"Mhm, says the girl with the bitter personality," he smirks and loudly sips his coffee.

"Wow," I scoff. "And here I was, thinking we were friends."

"We are friends. Best friends, actually."

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I laugh a bit and look out the window, watching the people pass by. "I really like this place so far. It's nice. And, we've got a great coffee shop just down the road from our apartment. How great is that? Maybe you could work here, or something."

"Yeah, I like it too. They sure do make good coffee, I'd be happy to work here."

"Maybe I could even sell some of my art to this place. It'd definitely match the vibe of it and all."

"I keep telling you, Via, you're the next Paulo Picassa, or whoever that guy is," he shrugs.

I laugh. "Close, it's Pablo Picasso. But I have a completely different style anyways. He used a style called cubism, and painted pore simple things with bold shapes and-" I cut myself off, noticing that he looked as if he were about to fall asleep. "Sorry," I chuckle. "I'm just so boring, I know."

"No, no you're not, I just don't have a single clue as to what you're talking about, so it's easy to, you know, fall asleep," he laughs also and stands up. "Are you ready to go? I wanna see if there's anything else here we need to know about." He glances down at the empty cup, then at the crumbs on the table.

"Mhm! Lemme just clean this up really quick.." I stand up, wiping the crumbs into my hand and dumping them in a nearby trash bin.

I wave to the barista telling us to have a nice day, and Clay grabs my hand, skipping out of the shop and down the sidewalk.

We spent the rest of our day exploring the town. We found a park that would be nice for walks, a few restaurants we had planned to eat at in the future, and Clay saw a rescue shelter, so he begged and begged me to let him get a kitten, but i told him maybe another day, which was a lie. That night we watched two movies in our box-filled living room, using one of those boxes as a TV stand, and ended up falling asleep on the couch since we were too lazy to put our beds together.

I overall had a great first day here, I just hope it doesn't end up with us moving again in six months.

First chapter! Im excited for this one. Ill get the next chap out asap, probably within the next few days but im not completely sure. I do want to try and update at least once a week, maybe more. Have a great day/night, thanks for reading :)


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