Without A Warning

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"Fuck!" I yell out after losing the 15th game of Mario Kart to Clay. "How?!" I ask in astonishment. "I used to be so good at this! What happened?"

"I'm just better than you, don't fuss over it." He brags.

"I'm going to chose to ignore that." I say, standing up and walking to the kitchen. I open the pantry and grab a bag of crisps. I sit on the counter and my phone chimes, so I pick it up and, to my surprise, my mum had messaged me.

Hello, dear. Your father and I have decided to come visit you this evening, we'd like to see how you're doing. I apologize for the late notice, but don't try to make any excuses. I know your dad can be a bit much but you will just have to deal with it. Lots of love, I'll see you soon dear.

I sigh after reading the message. Knowing there's nothing that I could do, so I message her back.

Hello, mum. I could have had plans, but lucky for you, I don't. I know the excuses won't work, but I'd like it if you would give more notice the next time. I'll see you soon, drive safe. Love you.

I toss my phone on the counter and jump off the counter. "My parents are visiting tonight. Now help me clean this mess." I say, gesturing to the floor which has dirty clothes, random shoes, and a few dishes stacked up next to the sofa. I start to pick up a few of the dished, and Clay just groans, stretching across the sofa. "Come on then, get up, this is mostly your mess."

"Why do your parents have to visit? No offense, but- they aren't the best.." he says reluctantly, sitting up.

"None taken. My mum is okay, it's my dad that's the problem." I pick up one of his dirty jumpers and throw it towards him, it landing over his head. "Now hurry up, after this we have to go to the shops to get something to make for supper. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll hurry." He sighs, standing up and starting to pick some things up. "What are you gonna make anyways?"

"I'm not sure. Probably soup or something since it's cold out."

"What kind??"

"I don't know, Clay. Just finish picking this up."

"Okay, fine."

We finish picking up the floor, I sweep it and we both get dressed. Before we leave I tie my hair up and put on a beanie, Clay gets his coat and we make our way down to the first level, calling a cab once we get out of the building and pay the driver when we get to the shops. I decided that I'd make vegetable soup, so we gather all of the celery, broccoli, carrots, ect, and throw them all in the trolley. We pack up the ingredients and take a cab back home. Once we get inside I unpack everything and get started on sautéing the vegetables. Clay helps by packing the dishwasher after everything is done and the soup is cooking.

"When are they going to be here?" Clay asks, drying his hands and joining me on the sofa.

"Should be soon, my mum messaged me about an hour ago so I assume they left soon after that."

"They really didn't tell you they were coming? They just decided to surprise you or something?"

"It's hardly a surprise, I assumed they'd visit eventually. Don't worry about it to much though, they'll be gone before the end of supper."

"You know, we could just not let them in," he laughs.

"That would be an option, yes." I laugh also. "Although, I'm sure they'd find a way in eventually."

"I'm sure they would. You're parents are scary."

"Exactly. My dads a narcissist and my mother just kindly threatens you until she gets her way."

"Remember the time that I was trying to be a vegetarian, and she forced me to eat the roast she had made because she had worked on it all day and said that if I didn't eat it, then the cow would have died for nothing?" He asks, and I recall the memory that night.

"Yes, I do. It was quite funny considering you were only doing that to impress a girl," I laugh and nudge him a bit.

"Hey- in my defense.." he pauses. "Actually, I don't know. That was pretty stupid, wasn't it."

"It was." My phone chimes again. Assuming it's my mum, I pick it up and read the message.

We're about ten minutes out, see you soon.

I put it down without a reply and stand up. "My mum just messaged, you've got ten minutes to pick up your room before they get here."

"But it's clean already!" He exclaims.

"You and I both know that it's not. They'll want to take a look around and I'm sure if they saw that dump of a room they'd be on their way in a minute. Now go!" I pull him off the sofa and push him into his room, leaving the door open. He groans and starts picking everything up. "Make sure to put something nice on too!" I yell, halfway to the kitchen.

"Why?!" He cries out.

"Because I said so!" I yell back, then start pulling dishes out of the cupboards to prep the table.

"You suck!"

"I know~" I shake my head and finish prepping the table. I go into my bedroom and open up my wardrobe, pulling out a dark green, long-sleeved, turtleneck, knee length dress made of cotton. I lay it out on my bed and get out a pair of black leggings, slipping them on then picking up the dress and pulling it over my head. I quickly comb my hair and tie it up before going back to the sitting room. Just as I did so, I got another message from my mum.

We've just arrived. Please come down and meet us in the lobby.

"They're here!" I yell to Clay, running to the door and throwing on a pair of brown, heeled boots.

He comes out of his room dressed in a plain, black, short-sleeved button up and jeans.

"Put your shoes on, hurry up."

"Why do I have to go with you?" He asks, putting on a pair of trainers and following me out the door.

"Because, it's impolite if you don't." I shut the door behind us and head towards the lift, nervous for the night to come.

Rainy Days // Wilbur Soot fanfiction // Wilbur Soot x OCWhere stories live. Discover now