A Failed Feast

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Clay and I enter the lift with a few other strangers. Once we get off, I look around the lobby, almost immediately spotting my mum's fiery red hair. She turns around, and I see my dad; a short, rough looking man with a head of gray.

"Octavia!" I hear my mum call out, waving. I wave back and she starts towards us, my dad limping behind her. "Hello, dear. It's so nice to see you." She says, engulfing me in a hug.

"It's good to see you too, mum." I let go and look to my dad, giving a slight nod do which he only grunts, and nothing else.

"It's lovely to see you too, Clayton." My mom says, peeking behind me where he was standing.

"You as well, Mrs. Wright." He grins.

"Well, I believe we should make our way up, our dinner is going to get cold." I say, pointing them towards the lift and following them in. I press the second level button and the lift jolts up a bit before smoothly taking us the rest of the way. We exit the lift and I lead them down the hall to the door.

"Oh, this looks lovely!" My mother exclaims once we get in. "Very clean, too. I assume that was just done," she jokes and I chuckle, leading them to the living room.

"I assume you'll want a tour, though there's not much to see. Obviously this is the living room, over here is my room = I would say it's quite cozy," I walk over and open up the door, letting her peek inside. "And this is Clay's room, thats pretty much it besides the kitchen and washroom." I let her look inside his room, and I notice a few jumper sleeves sticking out of his dresser, so I glare at him while shutting the door and make my way to the kitchen. "I'll dish out everyone's food, just make yourself comfortable." I dish out the soup into the four bowls and quickly toast some bread with a bit of butter on it before placing all of the dishes on the table. I call when it's ready and everyone comes to sit, my mum and dad sitting on one side of the table and Clay and I on the other.

"So, Octavia, what does your career consist of these days?" My mum asks, blowing on her soup and taking a sip. "This is delicious, by the way."

"Thank you," I smile. "Well, as you know, I did go to school for my art so I've been trying to sell that, I've managed a few but not much. It makes me enough to get by though."

"How lovely. You were always so good at that, even when you were little. And how about you, Clayton?" She asks him, raising a brow.

"Oh, I'm not doing anything right now, I just work at a coffee shop down the street. I didn't go to school for a specific thing, either."

"That's good. I'm sure you'll find something you like."

"I hope so," he chuckles.

The room goes silent for a few minutes until my mum speaks up again, but this time it's to my dad. "Eddie, you haven't said a word since we arrived, what's on your mind?"

My dad rudely glances up at her and shakes his head. "What's on my mind is our failure of a daughter. What kind of a career is selling shitty art?"

My mum sighs, shaking her head and rolling her eyes, mouthing an 'I'm sorry' to me. "If this is going to happen again then I think that you should leave. I don't want another outburst..."

"You're saying this is my fault?" He scoffs. "I did everything for the both of you and this is my payment, how nice."

I scoff as well, refraining from talking back.

"This soup is terrible," he adds, pushing it away and leaning back in his chair.

"You better eat the soup, Eddie. I'm sure that Octavia put a lot of time into it. It's delicious anyways!"

"I'm not eating the damn soup, Katherine. Now leave me alone, whatever it is you want to complain about, I don't care nor will I ever." I glare at him while I eat, occasionally rolling my eyes.

My mum looks a bit sad before continuing to eat. "So, um.. why didn't you bring Griffin..? He just started his fourth year, correct?"

"Oh, well, we figured that your brother might be a tad bit bored, so we left him with your Nan  . We'll bring him next time though." My mum answers.

"Oh, well I would have liked to see him."

"Not everything is about you, let it go." My dad butts in. I roll my eyes again.

We remain quiet for a few more minutes before Clay randomly stands up. "Please excuse me, I need to... go check on something," he says before running off to his room, shutting the door behind him, leaving just me and my parents.

"I'm surprised that boy has anything to do. The worthless little shit doesn't even have a real job." My dad says, finally pushing me to my limit.

"That's enough." I stand up, slamming my hands on the table. "I'm sick of this. Of you, of everything you say, of it all. I can take your stupidity and crap personality, but what you said just now, that was a mistake. Because you are the worthless little shit. And I'm sure everyone would agree." I start to tear up a bit and step back. "I'm leaving, and you better be gone by the time I get back or I will call the police and tell them something you don't want me to tell them." I then turn to my mum. "Please tell Clay that I left, and tell him I'm sorry. Thank you for making the trip, but next time, don't bring him." And with that, I left, taking the stairs to the first level going outside, feeling the cold air bite at my face. I go just inside the alley by my building and slide down on the wall, finally bursting into tears.

After a few minutes of not knowing what's going on around me, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Clay coming towards me.

"Hey, Via, they left. How about we get you back, okay? Maybe get a more comfortable place to cry?" Smiles briefly before helping me up, his arm wrapped my shoulder as we go back up the stairs. He takes me to my room and we lay down, my head in his lap.

"I'm sorry.." I sniff.

"I know, it's okay." And that was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.


Before I knew it, I was awake again. Clay was sat up beside me snoring softly, and I had rolled to the other side of the bed. I slowly stand up and shuffle over to the window. The sky had been painted a navy blue, and the stars were put out by the lights of the city. I tip-toe out of the room, carefully opening the door as to not make any sound. I make my way into the dark kitchen, not bothering to turn on the lights while I put the kettle on the stove for tea. I lift myself onto the counter to wait, and a few minutes later I hear a rustling sound from the other room before Clay stumbles out, looking tired as ever.

"What're you doin' up?" He asks quietly, standing next to me.

"I just woke up a few minutes ago, didn't want to go back to sleep," I answer.

"Oh.. you okay? You need to talk or anything?"

"No, I'm all good. I'll let you get back to sleep, I'm sure you're very tired."

"Yeah, thanks. If you want to talk about anything, you know where to find me then. G'night," he says, walking off to his room and shutting the door.

"Thanks, sleep well." I finish making my tea, then take a seat on the couch with my favorite book to try and tire myself and go back to sleep.

This is a little bit longer since I wasn't really able to find anywhere I could stop, so I dunno if thats a yay or a nay but its a yay in my book. I just wrote this in like an hour so I'm proud of myself for typing that fast. Hope anyone who is reading has a good day/night, thanks for being here :)


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