Our Story isn't Over Yet

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Olivia Caliban stood outside the police station of a small and vile town called the Village of Fowl Devotees. Once, she was told, it had been a glorious hideout for a noble organization.

Now, the very people that organization was working to put a stop to were in charge.

"Olivia, go. Find Madame Lulu at the Caligari Carnival. Tell her I sent you. She will find the sugar bowl," Jacques Snicket commanded.

"And you?" Olivia wasn't ready to let her boyfriend go.

Admittedly, it was only Esme who had called them a couple, but it felt right.

"I will stay behind and find the children."

Oh, Jacques, Olivia thought. He was so noble, so good, so Jacques. He would do anything for his secret organization and his loved ones.

But he wasn't alone any more.

"Then I'm staying too. I know we need to stop Esme from reaching the sugar bowl. The mission comes first, and I can complete it just fine right here. You and I will capture those vile villains and rescue the children. I can go to the Caligari Carnival after that."

"Olivia-" he looked as if he was about to argue, but changed his mind, "It will be dangerous."

"I know. That didn't stop me from volunteering."

"One. . . or both. . . of us may not make it out alive."

"Better to die fighting for justice at your side, then," Olivia said, a grin breaking past her lips.

Jacques blinked. He was stunned by this woman, there was no question. Her beauty, her intelligence, her need to carry a book wherever she went. Now her bravery.

Olivia looked up at Jacques, a small frown replacing her grin. What he if refused to let her stay? There wasn't really much he could do to make her leave, but she would rather not die angry at him.

There was a very real chance that she would die tonight. Olivia shuddered.

Then something unexpected happened. Jacques Snicket leaned down and kissed her. Just one, quick kiss, but it was so full of love that Olivia knew he felt the same way she did. They would never be apart again, despite meeting only just over a week earlier. They would live or die together.

"If you insist on staying, I don't really see what I can do," Jacques smirked.

"Neither do I," she agreed.

"How disgusting," a sickly voice sneered behind them. "Jacques Snicket and his librarian having a moment. Too bad it will be your last!"

Olivia whirled around, coming face to face with Count Olaf and Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor- aka Detective Dupin and Officer Luciana. Somehow her hand had found its way into Jacques's.

"You won't be getting away with this!" She spat.

"Darling, you were the one who was supposed to be getting away," the horrid fashionista laughed. "But since you've made your choice. . . Well, your blood is on your own hands."

The terrible woman pulled a harpoon gun out of the electric blue pocket of her plastic uniform.

"Who do I aim at first. Hm. . . ."

"Get rid of J first," Count Olaf snarled. "Then we can watch the librarian scream."

"You're brilliant, love of my life," Esme giggled.

Olivia thought she was about to gag. Sure, the villains had just watched her and Jacques kiss, but. . . there wasn't anything worse than watching two people dressed in absolutely ridiculous disguises flirting while plotting to murder everyone you love. Not that anyone else had ever been in their situation, Olivia hoped.

"Goodbye, Snicket."

Olivia didn't pause to think about which voice had said those terrible words. She only acted, pulling Jacques to the ground in the nick of time. As the harpoon flew over his head, Olivia was glad she hadn't let go of his hand.

"You think you're brave? Saving him like that! You can only dodge my impeccable aim for so long!" Esme screeched.

She tried setting a new harpoon into the mechanical device, but her long, red nails caused her to fumble.

"Let's go," Jacques whispered, and they ran.

"They're getting away! Load that harpoon gun quicker!'

"It isn't easy to be so fashionable and a famous murderer!"

"Where to?" Olivia asked, out of breath.

"The saloon," Jacques answered.

Olivia nodded and the pair burst into the abandoned building, where they had captured Olaf only the day before. A cloud of dust billowed in their wake.

"Up the stairs!" The two volunteers exclaimed in unison.

Olivia grinned up at Jacques, pleased to see him smiling back down at her. Then they bolted up the staircase.

Talking might give their position away, so the couple communicated with frantic gestures.

We can't hide forever. Olivia stated, glancing fearfully out the window.

I know. Jacques nodded.

What do we do then? Olivia's eyes widened.

Jacques blinked. I don't know.

What's the use of a charming boyfriend if he can't save you? Olivia smirked and rolled her eyes.

It was up to her to save them, then. Fine. She combed her memories, trying to think of what her beloved book characters would do in this situation.

Bravely sacrifice themselves? Not preferable.

Call for back-up with a secret, prearranged signal? That might work, although it wouldn't be prearranged.

The librarian-turned-volunteer tried to think of another option. None was forthcoming.

"Jacques, if we can signal the Baudelaires, they might be able to get us out of here," she whispered, needing to say it out loud.

"No!" he whispered back, fiercely. "Their parents are dead, but they don't have to be."

"It's them or us."

"Us, then. I'm sorry, Olivia."

"No need to be, Jacques. You always picked the noble choice."

"I shouldn't have dragged you into this."

"You absolutely should have. You would have been dead already if it weren't for me."

"But you would be alive."

"It wouldn't be living without you."

In an attempt to give the couple privacy in what they thought were their final moments, I now advise you to look somewhere else, so that you will not see their second, impassioned kiss of the evening.

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