Chapter 5- 'The Letter'

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Hermoine POV

"Hermoine! Over here!" Harry called from the Gryffindor table. "Mione, why does it look like you were crying?" Ron asked me.

"It's nothing, Crookshanks just didn't let me sleep well." I lied, plastering a fake smile on my face.

* Time Skip *

Draco POV

'Dear Hermoine Granger,
Please hear me out.
Please don't throw this letter out.
You might not know this but you mean a lot to me. Since I saw you asking everyone for Neville's toad on the train.
Please. I'm begging you. Please give me another chance.
Draco xxx'

Hermoine groaned. "Urgh! I hate this guy. Already wasted my Saturday morning, and my first night to Hogwarts. Now he wants me to waste more of my precious time on him when I could be studying!"

I then saw her throw the letter into the fireplace. I gulped. Harry and Ron were heading in her direction.

"Hermione! There you are. Wait... What were you throwing into the fireplace?" Harry questioned. "That? Malfoy sent me a letter." I swallowed hard when she said that. "He was bullying me..." She said.

"This boy goes to what extents to bully people! He and his family ruin the reputation that some purebloods make for ourselves." Ron rolled his eyes. I wanted to punch him but, I couldn't give away my hiding spot.

* Later that night... *

I was peacefully looking at my constellation when- Suprise, Suprise- You- Know- Who, not Voldemort, another person, barged in.

"Miss I-Throw-Letters-In-The-Fireplace. What brings you here?" I asked, not looking behind me.

"H-h-how d-di-did y-you k-know that-t?" She stuttered, not looking at me. "Word travels." was my only reply.

"Answer my question before I answer any of yours." I told after a moment of silence, still not looking at her. "I came here for peace. Anyways, how did you know what I was going to say?" She asked, now standing next to me.

"I can mind read if I want. I only hang around Crabbe and Goyle because they're my only friends. Why do you hang around Harry and Ron so often? I know you don't like them.. It's obvious." I smirked.

We chatted for a few moments and came to the conclusion that we only hanged around the people we call 'friends' because we have no one else. We also made a pact.

'If we see anyone of us getting in trouble, we help them out. Once and for all.
This pact is signed by- Draco Lucius Malfoy & Hermoine Jean Granger.'

The best part was that Hermoine never talked about Saturday!

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