Chapter One

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Like every morning she woke with a smile on her lips, the weight of his arm around her waist a comfort. They had been together for three years, all through university and now as they entered their final year they had started to build plans for their future. Lifting her hand she looked at the beautiful ring he had given her. It was white gold and shaped into delicate wings surrounding a pink heart shaped stone. Though not a traditional engagement ring she adored it, much preferring it to the diamond solitaires that most girls wore. Her stone was a diamond, but it was a rare pink diamond, almost one of a kind as was the ring itself which he had designed for her and had a jeweller craft. It was reminiscent of the pendant she wore at her throat of a dove which he had also given her just weeks into their relationship and which she never took off. Snuggling in closer to her fiancé she sighed contentedly and waited for him to open his eyes. Unless she absolutely had to she never got up without seeing his eyes open first and today was the weekend so she could relax.

When his eyes did open he glanced about himself and then his gaze settled on her, his dark eyes shining with love as he brought a finger to caress her cheek.

"Morning, beautiful," he said, softly and she smiled.

"Morning my love," she responded, making him laugh happily. He pulled her into his side and kissed her cheek gently.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long," she replied. "Just a few minutes before you woke. Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah, slept like the dead," he replied and she felt a shiver run down her spine. He stretched and sat up. "I'd best get moving though. I'm due at the gym this morning for wrestling. Coach says I'm doing really well and I don't want to lose that momentum. There's a big competition coming up in the next few weeks. What will you do today?"

"I'll wait for you to come back," she said, kissing his cheeks as she leaned over him, her auburn hair framing her face. "Maybe I'll wait right here in the bed." Her teasing tone made him smile and he caught hold of her suddenly pinning her beneath him as he climbed astride her.

"Maybe I'll order you to do just that," he said, huskily, leaning down to capture her lips. Her eyes danced with happiness and then he climbed off of her, standing beside the bed and grinning at her. "But then again we do need some groceries if you were in the mood for a food shop?"

"Yes I can do that. There's a new exhibition at the museum in town. I might head over to have a look," she said.

"Yeah?" he asked as he put a towel round his waist. "What's it for?"

"It's some ancient texts, on scrolls and written in Greek. I've been invited to attend a special evening tomorrow night when I would actually be able to handle them, get a closer look at them. Miriam, our tutor, organised it for me. She knows I am fascinated by all things to do with Ancient Greece. These scrolls were found at Cape Tainaron, actually at the Mouth of Hades. I can't let an opportunity like this slip by. But I thought maybe I could go today and look at them through the glass; I'm almost too excited to wait. Apparently there are some other artefacts too. The exhibition is only here for a week so I'm really looking forward to seeing it."

"Sounds like fun," he said, though she knew his interest in Ancient Greece only stemmed as far as attending the lectures; he wasn't as passionate about it as she was.

"Oh it will be. I'll tell you all about it later when you're home."

"Well if it's good, maybe we could go again tomorrow before it leaves town?"

"I'd like that," she said. "I'm sure you could come with me to the handling session. Just as long as you don't touch anything."

"Sure," he said, smiling as he disappeared into the shower. Hope watched him go and smiled, flopping back into the bed and closing her eyes, picturing the scrolls she was so excited to see. By ten o'clock they were both up and dressed and about to head on their way. Bret had said he would drop her off in town so that she could go to the museum and then he'd meet her at the grocery store after his wrestling so that they could do the food shop together. The museum had only just opened when she arrived and as she headed inside the curator, a short rotund man with dark black hair greeted her warmly.

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