Chapter Ten

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Making his way swiftly to the bedroom where he had left Hope sleeping  Hitman wasted no time in withdrawing the pink thread and binding her to him. She woke and stared at him wide eyed with fear.

"Folk are disappearing Hope. I need you attached to me at all times."

"Who has disappeared?" she asked, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Gangrel, Kane's Demon girlfriend, Juniper." Suddenly wide awake Hope sat up.

"Juniper is gone? Oh... oh Bret," she whispered, horror etched on her face. "But why would someone take Juniper?"

"She is a powerful Fae. I don't think this is the Fates. This world is losing its strongest beings or those who give power to the Lords of Death. That's why you are not going anywhere out of my sight or away from my thread. Anyone tries to take you from me they'll have to take me too."

"Is... is Kane here?"

"He won't touch you," Hitman said, firmly. He lifted his visor and checked again, swearing under his breath as he double checked the whereabouts of the people he had just told her were missing, finding no trace of any of them. "I don't want you going anywhere without me, Hope. You hear me?"

"Yes sir," she said, hearing the strain in his tone.

"The Crone said that your ring would protect you as well so you keep it on at all times too. You don't even remove it when you shower, ok?" She nodded and he sighed.

"We need to get to the bottom of what the hell is going on here before this world is emptied completely."


Hope clung to Hitman's hand as they sat down round the enormous table at the heart of Reaper's home. Drew was sat next to her on the other side, with Sheamus next to him. She saw Edge and Christian, the Blood Brothers sat opposite, their eyes hidden behind shades, both completely motionless. Her father was seated to the right of the Blood Brothers and next to him was Kane who had smirked at her when he saw her but otherwise ignored her. His presence was still unnerving though.

"There are folk disappearing left right and centre," said Hitman. "For those of us sat here  our losses are Persephone, Lita, Gangrel and Juniper. Only thing I can see that they have in common is being renowned beings in Limbo but I reckon the first assumption, that this relates to Hope is unfounded. She has nothing to do with Gangrel or Lita or any number of the other beings who have vanished."

"So where will you start then Hitman? If you do not believe there is any link between the beings stolen from our world how will you know how to find them?" Kane asked. Hitman shrugged.

"Everyone leaves a trail and I'll find it. I'm the best at what I do." He tilted his head back arrogantly to meet Kane's gaze without a hint off concern. Hope though swallowed nervously and he felt her grip on his hand tighten.

"You'd better be," Kane replied. "Your pretty little pet could be next."

"That pretty little pet is my daughter; watch your mouth brother," said Reaper, giving his brother a dark look. Kane though only smirked, unperturbed by Reaper's irritation.

"What do you propose Hitman?" asked Edge.

"We will help in any way we can," added Christian.

"I reckon we need to investigate the last places each of them were seen, but bind yourselves with thread would be my advice, ensure you can't be taken from those you love. That's why Hope is bound to me."

Sheamus paled a little and glanced across at him.

"Wil you check on my woman?" he asked. Hitman nodded and took his visor from his pocket, searching out Sheamus' home and smiling.

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