Chapter Eighteen

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The sky had turned an ominous black and Hope looked around herself as she heard the rumble of thunder in the distance. Hitman's prediction appeared to be coming true already. She had known her father would be furious that Persephone had been snatched from under his nose by beings he would deem as being little more than an irritation akin to a few mosquitos. He'd have been happier if it had been the Fates she knew because he would have held a grudging respect for their motivations. Perhaps that was why the four beings had disguised themselves in that way.

"He's not a happy Reaper," Hitman commented.

"No, he is not," she agreed. "We need to get to him before Sheamus and Drew."

"Yes I think so," Hitman said, glancing down at her. She was a little pale, but he knew that seeing Kane had made her nervous and now her father's fury surrounded the entirety of Limbo she was anxious to get to him, worried he might do something to force the hand of the Judgement Day before they could take them down. Reaper might be able to take one or two of them down but he couldn't take them all on and he couldn't necessarily trust his brother to have his back. Kane was very much a law unto himself and had never been Persephone's greatest fan.

As they approached the gates of Reaper's house Hope was relieved to see Sheamus, Drew, Edge and Christian approaching from the opposite direction. They exchanged greetings and then she led them through into the grounds of Reaper's home. Reaper was pacing up and down when they got inside and whirled round to face his daughter, who looked up at him a little nervously until he crossed the room and pulled her to him in a fierce embrace.

"I could have lost you," he chided her. "As well as your mother. What made you decide now was the time to confront your past and  take on such a quest?"

"To regain my power so that I can protect myself and get my mom back," she replied. Reaper gave her a rare smile.

"You have your mother's courage and her heart," he said. He looked across at Hitman. "What have you discovered?"

"Well other than that the Judgement Day have our people I've discovered that your daughter has been through more shit than anyone should and has overcome every damn tragedy we've put in front of her. So I've no doubt in my head that she will overcome these fuckwits as well." He spoke in a cold, but calm voice and Hope shivered, knowing he was angry with her father for the curse he had placed on her. Reaper met his gaze without concern though and simply nodded his agreement.

"So what now is the plan?" he asked. "I assume it will not be as simple as riding in and carrying our people away?"

"No, my lord," said Sheamus, steppping forwards. "The Moriggan has suggested we will need to fight them with fire and blood because that is the basis of their own magic, how they have fooled our friends into believing they are with the ones they love the most."

"You are telling me that simple illusions are all that keeps my wife from me?" Reaper said and Drew shook his head.

"They are no simple illusions, my lord. It is magic so deep it could be the end of this world. Their magic works its way deep into the soul of the one they have captured, spreading like a disease."

"We have fire in my brother and we have blood in Edge and Christian; will that suffice?" Reaper said.

"It is not their blood and fire, Father," said Hope, quietly. "It is the blood of those who love them best and the fire of their souls which will free Mom and the others. That is why we need all of us."

"Though I'm assuming a little fire won't hurt," Kane said, his eyes blazing as he played with a fireball between his hands. Hitman restrained himself from rolling his eyes at him, just.

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