Chapter Five

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Watching as Hope curled up on the floor Hitman scowled. He hadn't ordered her to sleep on the floor tonight and was angry she thought that she could make any decisions. Without a word he hauled her up and pushed her onto the bed. Her eyes flickered towards him but she didn't speak, just curled into a tight ball as far from him as she could manage, her fingers gripping the edge of the bed. He looked at her and felt a shock of guilt, closely followed by grief. But as Hope fell into a deep sleep she suddenly moved towards him as she used to do and he felt her arms come around him, her lips tenderly kissing his face.

"Only you, only you for a thousand lifetimes and more. I will never love another. However you treat me, Bret, however much your fury and hate consume me, I will never stop loving you."

Thinking her to be awake he looked at her but her breathing was deep and even, her eyes closed. Satisfied that she was asleep he allowed his arms to wrap around her and kissed the top of her head, almost against his will.

"I'm sorry, Hope," he said, softly while she couldn't hear him. "I'm so sorry." And he fell into a deep dreamless sleep, waking the following morning thinking perhaps things might change, perhaps they'd get better between them. But he woke to find her showered and dressed already and knelt by the door, waiting for his orders and his heart sank.

"You need to eat," he said, keeping his tone even.

"Yes sir," she replied, going to the table which was set for breakfast. He watched her sit and then went to shower, unsurprised to find her back on her knees by the door when he emerged. He checked her plate and saw crumbs on it though and an empty cup which suggested she had done as he asked. Taking his time over his own breakfast, Hitman watched her. She didn't move at all, showing no sign of discomfort from being on her knees. Her head remained bowed and she didn't look at him at all, keeping her gaze on the floor. He got up from the table and crossed the room to her, seeing her flinch slightly when he stopped immediately in front of her, but then she held her wrists out to him, her hands trembling slightly. For just a moment his hand reached into his pocket for the thread but then he stopped, instead wrapping his fingers round her wrists and pulling her to her feet. She looked at him warily as he rested his hands on her hips and then leaned down as if he would kiss her. Turning her face away from him, a look of panic in her eyes, she went to take a step back but he held her fast, his fingers digging into her flesh through her T-shirt. He searched her face with his eyes for a moment and then released her. She fell back, a hand at her throat, breathing a little heavily, but he stopped her from kneeling, putting a hand under her elbow. Swallowing hard she held her wrists out again for his thread and this time he obliged but she noticed he didn't wrap it as tightly as he had been doing and as they set off she noticed he stayed by her side.


"Well here is a sight for sore eyes!" The Scottish accent was filled with happiness as they approached and Hope watched as Hitman and the tall Warrior embraced warmly. "How are you brother?"

"I am well, thank you," said Hitman, the rough edge to his voice fading as he spoke to the Warrior. "Is Juniper here as well?"

"Of course, my lady is never far from me," he replied, with a broad smile. "Who is the girl?" He looked at Hope curiously and she swallowed the hurt that again she was not recognised, but then she looked at Hitman, wondering what he might say to explain her presence.

"A job," he finally settled on. "I have retrieved her for her fiancé who misses her."

"Is she a reluctant fiancée?" Drew asked, with a grin, observing Hitman's pink thread around the girl's wrists and the miserable expression on her face.

"Yeah, handed him back his ring and everything," Hitman replied, giving Hope a dark look which made her toes curl. "But a promise is a promise isn't it?"

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