Chapter Three

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Hope looked across at Kane from under her lashes. He had welcomed her back to the Fire Pit without any resentment and simply put her back to work in Inferno. She did not get any sense that he expected anything more or less from her than he did any of the other Demons and Humans who worked here. None of the Demons seemed to recall her from the last time she was here but when she considered this she remembered that she had altered time in order to save Bret. Her heart ached and she tried to push all thoughts of him from her mind. She was once again trapped in this world, trapped in this place which brought her nothing but pain and fear.

Of Bret there was no sign and she wondered if she had dreamt the end, giving him her last breath as Thanos came for them both. She had no sense of him and she feared he had either not crossed over or had forgotten her as soon as he got here. Back in the Fire Pit she felt almost as if she had gone back in time, back to the days she had run from him and tried to find salvation in this club which was well named; it was like Hell to her last time. This time though Kane did not chip her; he simply put her to work in Inferno. It was as if he did not much care what happened to her.

Feeling very alone and very hurt Hope did just as instructed, closed herself off and returned to work in the bar, kneeling at the side of the tables of the clientele who paid her to fetch and carry for them.  Now and again her thoughts slipped to her father and mother. They must be aware that she was here. Did they not care either? Were they content for their daughter to remain trapped in the Fire Lord's club at the whim of his clients? Last time she had been humiliated and flogged, made to feel like nothing. Is that all they wished for her? Resentment settled in the pit of her stomach and she didn't care what she was asked to do. She allowed herself to be touched, to be kissed, all the time wishing she could return to the life she had known with Bret. But still he did not come for her and as the days passed all her hope faded.

"Hey, quit daydreaming new girl!" She looked across to see Chris at the bar. He gestured towards a table where a Demon had taken a seat and was looking around for service. Quickly she approached him and dropped to her knees.

"What will your order be, sir?" she asked softly. The Demon looked at her appraisingly. He was a handsome Demon, tall and muscular with cropped dark blonde hair and eyes that shifted between deep blue and golden brown.

"Well I can think of a few things," he said, eying her up and down. "When did a pretty thing like you come here? Don't think I've ever seen you. What is your name?"

"I am Hope, sir," she said, feeling strangely at ease already.

"Yeah, I can see you would make many a man hopeful. I am Knight and it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you, sir," she said, softly, risking looking up at him to smile. He met her gaze with a warm smile, too warm for any Demon.

"Tell you what pretty girl, you fetch me a bottle of your finest wine and two glasses. I think I'd like your company."

"Yes sir," she said, though she wasn't sure if this was allowed or not. Chris though just nodded when she quietly asked him.

"Whatever the client wishes," he reminded her and she smiled, then took the tray with the drinks across. She didn't sit with him though; she knelt at his feet and he seemed content with this, running his hands through her hair as he drank and handing her down her own glass.  She sipped the wine as he played with her hair and then he suddenly stopped, putting his glass down.

"Tell me about yourself, pretty Hope," he said, leaning back in his seat and admiring her kneeling form.

"I am nobody, sir," she said, softly.

"Oh of course you are," he said warmly. "Why would you say that?"

"Everyone I love is here in this world, but I am alone. My mother and father do not come for me. My fiancé does not come for me." She bowed her head as tears formed in her eyes and the Demon gave her a gentle look, meeting her gaze until she felt as if she was melting under his eyes.

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