Chapter Eleven

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None of them slept particularly well that night. Hitman's dreams were disturbed with visions of Hope being taken from him and it made him sharp the following morning. She was lethargic and seemed to be moving slower than usual, a result of her own bad night and it irritated him. When she took longer than he felt she should have showering he gave a tug on the thread causing her to almost slip as she pulled a towel round herself and she felt some irritation with him. She was weary and heartsick having lost her mother and her friend and she was fearful that either she or Hitman might be next. Scowling at him as she emerged from the bathroom dressed she flinched when he met her gaze, his expression dark. He didn't comment though, just gave a small tug on the thread as they headed down to eat. Sheamus and Drew were both sat at the table already, yawning and looking a little grey themselves.

"Worst night I've ever had I reckon," Sheamus commented and Drew nodded his agreement.

"Spent the whole night dreaming about Juniper and then about being taken myself," he said. "Then I was awake staring round the room looking for an intruder."

"How did you sleep darling?" Sheamus asked Hope and she screwed up her face.

"Not well. When I did drift off Hitman would toss and turn and I'd wake again." Hitman shot a glare at her, but before he could respond, Sheamus cut him off.

"You had the nightmares too then?" he said, looking at Hitman who gave a tight nod. "Reckon we may as well have set off last night, not one of us slept."

"Any sleep will be better than none. It will be a hard journey today," Hitman said. "I'm not intending for us to stop along the way; we need to make good time. I want us to get through Zone Two by evening."

Hope paled at the thought of that zone  but didn't comment; Hitman was tense and she didn't want to provoke him. Reaper came down to wish them well and took his daughter in his arms, kissing the top of her head.

"Take care," he said to her. "Stay close to Hitman and don't stray from the path."

"I've little choice with that," she replied, gesturing at the pink thread which was digging into her wrists. Reaper looked at it and sighed.

"It is safer this way," he said. "Let us hope that next time we see one another your mother is with us as well."

Hope nodded and hugged her father one last time before she followed Hitman. He set a punishing pace, keen to get to the Fae Realm by the following day at the latest. Without Juniper keeping a close watch on her, Hope floundered a little when they had been walking at this pace for three hours. With their Fae blood the Warriors were unphased but Hope had a lot of Human in her and she was struggling. Hitman knew she would find it hard but his mood was black and he didn't have the patience to take care of her as she should have.

She tripped a couple of times, causing him to have to stop and wait impatiently as she found her feet again. She managed another couple of hours before she knew she needed to rest though.

"Please can we stop? Just for five minutes," she begged.

"She is right, we should stop," said Drew, looking at Hope's flushed face. Hitman though glared and looked like he might refuse. Drew placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not asking you, man. I'm telling you. We are stopping to give us all a break."

"I'm in need of something to eat myself," said Sheamus. "There is a town just ten minutes walk away. We can stop there. It's just on the border of Zone Two so won't hold us up too much."

"Fine," Hitman growled out, but his mood didn't improve any as they found a table and ordered food. He glared at Hope, as if daring her not to eat but she did eat and well. She was hungry after the walking and finished her meal as well as the drink he had provided her with. The food did improve his temper a little and he didn't set off at quite the same pace again. Hope's nerves were shot at the thought of having to enter her least favourite zone again though. Unconsciously she slowed right down as they passed the border and the depressing atmosphere began to bear down on her. Tears pricked her eyes and as they began to stream down her cheeks she stumbled behind Hitman, her legs like lead weights. Wordlessly, Drew came beside her and slipped an arm about her waist to hold her up which Hitman didn't notice at first as he strode ahead, unhindered by the Zone. When he did notice an angry glare marred his features but Drew met his gaze, his own hard.

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