a hero's revenge

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"sir, a letter from the parliament" a small crow said feebly, handing an envelop over to a much larger crow.

"I thought I told them I've retired. why did they send me another letter?" the larger crow said as he grabbed the envelope from the small crow before reading the outside. waving his large wing to dismiss the small crow, the larger crow reclined into his seat and mused to himself "pterodactyl god wrote directly to me? what could that old man possibly want from this retired war hero?" 

The large crow was the now retired crow king. A long time ago, there were two birds who had the chance to claim the title of 'god'. one of them would become the pterodactyl god. and the other, was a bird called archaeopteryx. back in that day, archaeopteryx and pterodactyl were the best of friends. they did everything together, from eating to learning how to be a god class bird. however, after archaeopteryx learnt that the previous generation of pterodactyl only intended to promote pterodactyl to god, he grew enraged and had attempted to kill pterodactyl to seize control of the entire parliament. archaeopteryx was an incredibly strong warrior, even the entire parliament of the time struggled to stop him. it was thanks to the crow kings smarts and strength that the parliament had managed to just barely subdue and imprison archaeopteryx. if the crow king hadn't been around, the parliament would have been destroyed. this deed had rendered the crow king a war hero and the subject of reverence of the bird troops. the same crow king that had used his beak to tear open the envelope and began reading the contained letter.

"No. it can't be. my daughter. my precious daughter! how dare they!" the crow king exclaimed, the letter falling to his carpeted floor. "so the parliament thinks they can kill my daughter and get away with it? just because pterodactyl allowed it, doesn't mean I will! the parliament shall pay for their misdeeds." with that, the crow king took off into the sky above avian island and began flying towards a smaller island with no name. an island only he knew of. 

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