you are my reason

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"where did that black fool go?" archaeopteryx asked, looking down upon the streets of crow coast as he flew overhead. archaeopteryx was sure that he saw the crow king carry the weakened pterodactyl towards the town but he couldn't see any traces of either a fight or their bodies. "where in this pathetic town could they possibly be?"

"THERE HE IS! ALL WINGS, SWARM AND KILL. OUR BEAKS WILL SURELY GET THROUGH HIS DEFENSE IF ALL OF US ARE TOGETHER!" the current commander of the bird troops, lapwing lord, ordered. distracted by the immense might, coordination and sheer numbers of the rpotb, archaeopteryx put off his hunt for the crow king to deal with them. seizing the time the troops presented, the parliament members plotted their next move. 

"I'm ready to sacrifice my life for the parliament. I will use it again if I have to." peregrine princess nobly promised.

"are you sure? against someone like him even that may not be enough." osprey viscount asked out of concern for his best friend.

"if I can weaken him enough for you to kill him. I will have done my job." peregrine princess reassured.

"we'll only have one shot at this. we absolutely cannot mess this up." hawk king said. 

peregrine princess embraced the clearly distressed osprey viscount and whispered into his ear "it is only friends that are able to part ways. were we not as close as we are, we would barely even feel anything"

"it's so cruel that no matter how well you get along, all meetings are bound to end in a goodbye." the solemn osprey sighed.

"no matter how many years go by, nothing will ever change the fact that in this moment, we are friends. and for me, thats all I care about. think fondly of me. I will always be by your side, no matter what, even after it all ends."

with a forced smile, peregrine turned towards the other members of the parliament and took a deep breath. "just give me the signal." she turned back to look at the osprey viscount, with a slight wave of her wing, she took off into the sky to prepare for her last resort attack on archaeopteryx.

"his movements seem to have slowed down, all birds, prepare for the killing blow." lapwing lord commanded, raising both his wings. osprey viscount looked up at peregrine in the sky. "I will miss you." 

the troops swarmed around archaeopteryx leaving only his head open. lord lapwing lowered his left wing. the signal for peregrine princess to use her secret weapon. 

from far above in the azure sky, peregrine princess saw this and moved into position to begin her attack. "I guess since these will be my last moments alive, i should probably get this out of the way while I can," she said to herself as she got into position. as she began her descent, tears rolled down her feathered face "it was truly an honor to serve as a member of the parliament, and an even greater one to be able to give my life to the very people who saved it. ironic though it may be. lapwing, I'm very sorry for ignoring your orders back then during the crow queen incident. on the topic of the crow queen, pterodactyl, I would like to apologise for keeping the photo of your underwear the crow queen sent to everyone despite your explicit instructions to delete it. hopefully my sacrifice is enough to make up for that. lastly, eagle, I truly do regret gluing you to your bed. although it was very funny, it was not the right thing to do."

"that move of hers. it is truly a sight to behold. as even the clouds make way for her, it is as if she alone has split the sky itself." eagle queen beheld.

with the time before collision rapidly decreasing, peregrine princess shut her eyes, not wanting to witness her own demise. "before I go, I have to let you know," she began saying softly. "You are my reason to fight. my reason to try. and to smile. you are the light at the end of my tunnel. flesh and blood aren't what keep me moving. it's always been you, osprey viscount. think of me. think of me and no one else. I'm only ever thinking about you, osprey. After all..."

"I LOVE YOUU! OSPREYYY!!!" she cried out when she was mere centimeters away from impact with archaeopteryx. osprey viscount and the rest of the parliament were shocked by this sudden confession of love, although they were some distance away, the fervent voice of peregrine had reached them, carrying with it all her emotions and feelings. this pleasant surprise was short lived however. archaeopteryx had caught peregrine in his talons. 

"how could this be? peregrines secret weapon, the breakneck rush, where she accelerates her body to 3 times the speed of sound to crash into the target is said to have the same level of power as a battle cruiser. even pterodactyl god himself said that he would be scared of taking it head on. how could he have possibly stopped it with just one talon and without any sign of struggle??" lapwing exclaimed.

"cheap tricks like this wont work on me." archaeopteryx said coldly, tightening his grip on peregrines head. from within his talons, peregrine princess opened her eyes and looked to her beloved, osprey viscount as if to say "I'm sorry it had to end this way." osprey viscount looked on, struggling to maintain eye contact through his tears. archaeopteryx's claws had broke peregrine's skin, her blood slowly leaking out of the holes. 

"I LOVE YOU TOO!!" osprey viscount squawked at the maximum volume he muster between his sobs. although nowhere near as loud as peregrines earlier cry, his words still managed to reach her. finally at peace with her heart, peregrine shut her eyes for the last time. a single tear briefly escaping before getting mixed with the various bodily fluids and solids which was once her head. archaeopteryx had fully shut his talon. her limp body fell to the ground.

"I'LL KILL YOU! I SWEAR IT!" osprey viscount wailed, charging straight at archaeopteryx. archaeopteryx spotted something big and black knock a larger gray object out of the sky from far behind where osprey was coming from. "there you are." he scoffed. 
archaeopteryx smiled at the rapidly approaching osprey and took off towards the big black object in the sky. 

"since when could osprey move that fast?" lapwing lord questioned.

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