moving on

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"hawk? commander lapwing? anyone?" seagull sultan spoke into the communication device that all the birds had. "well, if anyone can hear me, the non combatant birds have found a new island to reestablish the parliament. its at coordinates 1.4143° S, 104.0387° W. please come back as soon as you can."

"maybe you should try contacting peregrine princess. since shes the fastest member of the parliament, shed be able to pass your message on to the other birds faster." pigeon prince suggested.

"ive tried but her communicator hasn't even received the message. maybe it was damaged in battle." seagull sultan replied dejectedly. 

"just keep trying, someone's sure to reply eventually" pigeon prince said.

just then, a honky voice came in over the communicator, "wait wait wait. whats going on back there? why do we need a new island?"

"oh, penguin emperor. I thought you had died during your mission on the frozen mountains. you haven't sent any messages for the past 6 months. anyway, from what I've gathered, another dinosaur bird thing attacked us and destroyed the parliament building. pterodactyl and the birds capable of fighting are on the mainland fighting as we speak."

a large gray object blotted out the sun. "what was that?" the birds on the island collectively asked. 

"what was what?" penguin emperor asked. 

"never mind. just come back when youre done."

about 30 minutes after this exchange, a large explosion happened on the mainland, the shockwave reached even the distant island the birds were on. fine metal dust soon rained down on the island. the island birds assumed that the fight on the mainland was over and therefore tried using the communicator again. this time, they were met with a response.

"this is lapwing. ill pass the message on to the others. we're on our way."

"oh thank quetzalcoatlus, I was getting scared that everyone had been wiped out." pigeon prince said. "come on everyone, lets get this place ready for their return."

back on the mainland, lapwing lord commanded the remaining troops to the island. the members of the parliament also started to fly towards the island, except for one. osprey viscount was still mourning the loss of his love interest. "maybe i should kill myself. that way I can be with her again." osprey cried.

"she'd be mad if you actually did that. you know as well, if not better than, we do that she'd want you to live on. if nothing else, then live for her sake. you wouldn't want her to be sad would you?" eagle queen said, having returned after seeing that osprey hadn't yet taken flight.

"that... that is true actually," osprey started, standing up and wiping his tears on his wing. "if it's for her, the osprey viscount shall stand proud once more" looking to the sky wistfully, osprey then began flying towards the island.

"hey, where's peregrine?" pelican king asked once the fighting birds arrived on the island.

"shes right here." osprey replied, pointing to his heart, "she will live on forever as part of me."

"oh." pelican king said, not expecting that answer. "on a hopefully less depressing note, where is pterodactyl?"

the birds looked around and at each other "curses. we haven't seen him since we split up."

"I'll go back to look for him." eagle queen said as a large shadow was cast over the parliament members

"no need. I'm right here." the newly embiggened pterodactyl said. the lower beaks of the parliament collectively dropped. none of them had even considered it possible that the already biggest member of the parliament could get much bigger.

"we're gonna need a bigger island." seagull sultan said after a long silence. the birds soon located a new bigger island and sent the new coordinates to the penguin emperor.

after some months of construction, the parliament building was rebuilt with a larger main hall to accommodate the pterodactyl god. a new statue was erected in front of the building to commemorate the peregrine princess, taking the place of the statue of the old crow king.

"anyway, now that all of thats over. we need to start refilling the blank seats in the parliament. we will need a new crow and a new peregrine." the pterodactyl god stated. just then, a figure waddled through the front door.

"did you guys miss me?" the figure asked.

"its been a while" pterodactyl, who had the clearest view of the figure, said with a slight smile. "welcome back."

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