Jane Liddle's POV

"I am a fully grown woman, i don't need some grandpa to babysit me like I'm a fetus!" I shout as my dad and mom grab my packed suit case and drag it to the door, we hear a car pull up outside the door.

 "I'm not go-" we hear the doorbell ring and our eyes dart to the door. He walks inside, i don't remember him being so tall, or handsome.

 The last time i saw him i was six years old and it was my uncles funeral. "Hello Janie, how are you doing?" he says in a nervous voice. 

"Don't fucking call me Janie, Torger. I'm a full grown fucking woman and i shouldn't even be going with you" i say looking up at him, his smile drops and his eyes wander to my parents.

 "Oh for goodness sake, Jane, be nice Toto is doing us a big favor, when he doesn't have to." my mum says patting my back i could feel the secret aggression in the pats. 

"I don't need a fucking baby-sitter I'm 30 in two months." i say snapping back at them. They ignore my remark and take toto into the kitchen to talk probably about my "Mental Problems" as they call them, their not problems, if anything they help me, yeah i get weird moods sometimes but at least I'm clean and hygienic.

 They walk back out after five minutes and my dad takes my bag out to the car, toto follows him. "you need to behave Jane we are trying to protect you, and you are not helping, just stay with toto for a while, you can call us whenever" my mom says giving me a tight hug, slipping a snickers into my pocket, she knew i loved them.

 I hugged her back and i felt tears forming in my eyes. I detached, and we both went outside. I hugged my dad "be good, grubby" he always called me that, i was now silently crying, i got in the car and the pair said their goodbyes to Toto. 

The car ride was silent, but still overwhelmingly loud in a way. We arrived at the airport and toto led me to his private jet. We walked up the steps and went inside, he sat on the right in a table set of four, i assumed he wanted to talk to me but i was upset so i sat on the left table set. 

I felt his occasional eye daggers in the side of my head, i ignored him until i heard him getting pissy. I looked over and saw him typing on his ipad. "what wrong?" i huff looking at him.

 He's shocked and looks up at me, " we all had to get new ipad things and i cant figure out how to make the shortcuts off of my old ipad." i walk over and sit in front of him, i take the ipad and look at it, i fix the problem in a few minute and he looks shocked.

 "i was the head tech girl at mums beauty company, so social media, marketing and then if there was new updates i did that." i say getting back up to sit across the aisle.

 "that makes sense, do you still do that jani- i mean Jane?" he says looking back up at me. i nod and sit back down.

 He gets up and sits next to me, "you right there mate?" i say shocked. 

"yep" he puts his earphones in and leans the chair back. 

I look down at him and he's closed his eyes but is smirking. The flight lasts another 5 hours, Toto falls asleep for the first two and then wakes up for lunch. After a while we arrive in Monaco and go through customs. That takes about and hour and a half, we go immediately to his house.

 He stops at the door and unlocks it with a key, oddly the key was bright blue. We walk in and i stand in the kitchen with my bags like a lost puppy. "you have your own room, but you are welcome to sleep in mine if you feel scared, after you settle we will lay down some rules" he says firmly directing me to my room.

 "okay?' i say sarcastically, i walk into the room and shut the door behind me. I lock it. I put my bag on the bed and open it, looking to get more appropriate clothes, cause currently i was in sweats and a crop-top.

 I look around and find a large band t shirt i find a pair of my jorts and put them on under it. I unlock my door and walk back to the kitchen trying not to get lost.

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