Toto Wolf's POV

I'm stirring the pot of saucy beef and mushrooms when i hear a loud thump in the pantry, i quickly turn off the stove and rush in to the pantry. "oh my god, are you okay jane? Is it the anemia?" i say helping her sit up and rubbing her back.

 "I just slipped that's all, I'm fine" she says in a quiet voice.  "ok, here let me help you up, go sit on the couch while i finish the the dinner." i said helping her up. She got up and brushed the rice off of her, i couldn't help but stare as she traced over her curves. 

She walked out of the pantry and sat on the bench, I grabbed the broom and swept up the rice, i put it in a dust pan and in the bin after. I walked over to her and stood in between her legs. 

"are you sure your okay?" i ask cupping her cheek with my hand.

 "we really shouldn't" she whispers an inch away from my lips, i kiss her and she kisses me back, passionately. I grab her waist and slide her towards me, its getting heated. 

Until her phone dings, we both look down and its another fucking reminder, she hops off the bench and runs to her room. 

I follow her and she is already in her bags collecting, Art supplies? she puts the water paint and lead pencils in a semi circle around the front of her, she had a note pad and opens it, i walk back out to the kitchen. I finish cooking while she does her thing, I walk into her room and see her still painting i look at her watch it still has forty five minutes on it. 

I walk back out and grab our food i take it into her room and place hers in front of her, i sit in front of her and eat my dinner. I watch the way she brushes the paper, and her oh so delicate strokes, how she's mastered the consistency and how she knows the colors will work. I eat slowly, so preoccupied by her talent, i don't realise but the timer goes off and its almost like she was in a trance she immediately starts talking and eating.

 Her notepad is laid beside her, i look over and see the picture, its a portrait, but not a normal one, its monochromatic and its in a sad blue tone. Its a little girl crying in a corner with a shadow scaring her. I go to pick up her notepad, but soon snap out of the trance i had put myself in. "who's the little girl, Janie?" i say looking into her ocean blue eyes, one having a brown circle around the pupil. 

"uh, what- oh um i don't know i barely remember painting it." She shrugs and continues eating.

 I'm shocked, " you sat there for almost two hours, painting how do you not remember?" she just shrugs. 

We finish eating and go to the kitchen to clean up, it takes about an hour but then she heads to the shower. I know its wrong but whiles she's showering i go to her room to look at her sketchpad. 

I open it and look through the pages, their all images, sad images, of a little girl scared and crying.

 I put her notebook down and go to the kitchen to get a drink, a whiskey with three cubes of ice, i sit on the couch and put on the radio. I hear footsteps behind me and then a thump next to me, i look across and she had jumped over the couch. 

She grabbed my cup of whiskey and took a sip.

 "are we gonna talk about the kitchen before art class?' i say looking directly at her.

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