Toto Wolf's POV

I must admit, she is way hotter than what i would have expected, this is going to be hard. I found her wandering the hallway, "you good" i say, she nods and i give her a thumbs up, why i did that i don't know.

 She follows me back to the kitchen, i go to the sink and get a cup of water, she sits on the breakfast stool i have under my bench. "drop the rules, grandpa" she says sarcastically. 

I turn around and smirk, "okay, first rule, your not allowed to bring women or men back to the house, if you wanna fuck someone get a hotel. Rule two, no pets, except birds, their ok. Rule three, all lights out at 11." i say firmly but quickly. 

"ok, anything else?" she says looking up from the bench. 

"yes one last one, you need to take your medicine or i have to take you to a hospital" i say dropping my smirk. She only nods.

 "mmkay what's from lunch, dad" she says in a highly sarcastic tone.

 "chicken and pasta, and don't call me that I'm not your dad." she looks up directly into my eyes.

 "i understand, what about daddy?" she says with teasing grin.

 "don't do that unless you wanna be moaning that" i say back my grin growing back, hers drops in shock.

 "ew it was a joke grandpa" she says getting up and going over to the fridge.

 "what are you doing?" i say turning my head to her. 

"I'm cooking what does it look like" she says with her face in the fridge.

 I  walk over and grab her shoulder, "We're ordering it not cooking it" i say turning her around.

 "great so i can't even cook" she sighs shutting the fridge gently, and flopping onto the couch. I follow her over and pull out my phone, i text her parents letting them know we arrived safely and then i go on this new app i have called "streats" which is basically just an app for food places near me.

 I order the chicken and pasta and i look at her, i can tell she doesn't want to be here with me, and i understand why. We haven't seen each other in almost 2 decades and her parents just expect us to live together for a year, how am i  even going to explain to the crew why she is with me, not to mention the fact, she is stunning and the crew is going to hit on her.

 I'm already jealous i cant have her, but seeing other people with her will blow me over the top for sure. I look at her and smile, she is on her phone looking on a shopping app, i take her phone and put it on the other side of me. 

She looks up shocked, "are you gonna talk to me at all or just ignore me for the next 11 months?" I said moving closer beside her. She shrugs and i hear a ding from her phone, i look over and see a reminder "brush your teeth for 3 minutes and 33 seconds" i look at her but she's already shot up to go to the bathroom.

 I follow her and see her lay out her tooth brush and tooth paste with a tooth flosser and mouthwash all neatly lined up next to it, she has a ruler making sure its all even. " hey you good chickaaletto" i say it was a nickname i used to call her when she was a baby. 

She ignores me completely, i go to walk over to her but she slams the door in my face and locks it. 

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