Toto Wolf's POV

She runs to the bathroom, i run after her, i need to know what's happening. She slams the door, but doesn't lock it. I open the door and see her vomiting, profusely. I run over to her and pull her hair out of her face, i rub her back and she stops vomiting about 3 minutes later. Her eyes are bright red, from vomiting.

 She starts crying, "I'm sorry for upsetting you, I'm a bad person i know it" she starts apologizing again. I just hug her, i stoke her hair as she balls up in my lap. 

"sshhh, its okay, I'm not mad i was just worried for you." i say calmly. She stops crying and looks up at me. "how about we run you a shower?" i say helping her stand up. I turn the taps on in the shower and show her where the towels and soap is, i go to leave, but she stops me.

 "please don't go" she looks at me tears still in her eyes and i can't help but melt. 

"i shouldn't, i can get your clothes and iron them so they're warm. I can get breakfast on, or i can wait and we can watch a movie, i don't have any work today." i say trying to give her privacy, even though i just want to hold her, and stop her hurting.

 "oh, ok" i felt her face drop, and i hated it, but i knew she needed to do this for herself, get her "janeness" back. I nodded painfully, and left the room, I went to her room and grabbed her track pants and brown, striped long sleeve. I took them to the laundry and ironed them. I folded them and put them on her bed. I went to the kitchen and put hash browns, eggs and sausages on. I went to the TV and turned on Netflix. I served the breakfast and when she finally came out, all i did was hug her.

 She had brushed her hair and put it in a plait, she had socks on and had added a jumper. I gave her, her plate and we ate together in a comfortable silence. We finished eating and her reminder went off, it was another art one. I asked how long it went for, and surprisingly she answered as she skipped down the hallway, her personality changing completely.

 I had 2 hours before the timer went off. I walked outside to my car and locked the doors of the house. I went uptown and stopped at the art store. After about 1 hour i finally paid for all the supplies. I went home and called a few people. I hid the art supplies under my bed and by then she was out of her trance and back to the state of devastation.

 "i have a surprise for you." I look over at her as i sit next to her on the couch.

 "really?" she tries to be polite and sound amused but i can tell she just wants to crawl in a hole and never leave.

 "We're leaving for Bahrain tonight, so that we can look around a little for three days before testing starts." Her face lights up a little but not much.

 "So go pack your bags, Janie. No shirts though, I've got special Mercedes ones for you" She smiles. 

"Yeah right, more like you say that and then there won't be shirts so you'll see me topless for a week" she laughs getting up. I can't help but laugh also, she's Janie again. 

"you got me there" i shrug jokingly. We pack our bags and do last minute checks around the house, we leave at 4pm and arrive at 4:30pm the flight is at 6 so i get us coffee's and we find comfy couches to wait on. After about 15 minutes, she needs the toilet, so we walk there together and i wait inside the gift shop next to the lavatories. I look around just grazing the aisles with my gaze. I stop at a certain thing, a portable, paint palate and notepad. I pay for it quickly and meet Jane outside the shop.

 "Good?" i question with a thumbs up, she nods. "i got you something" i pull the kit from my jacket pocket. "incase you get an art reminder on the flight." i smile, she hugs me happily and we walk back over to the couch to wait.

 After another forty five minutes we head to the terminal to get on the plane, i had booked first class seats and i bout the first two rows so we could have our own space. I got in my seat and she sat directly next to me. The staff were nice and helped us with what ever we needed, we arrive after a four our flight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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