Tabletop Mountain

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Waking up to a crisp 12-degree morning at the Adirondack Loj, with flurries in the air and snowshoes strapped on, we were fully prepared to conquer our 6th high peak. Tabletop Mountain stands as the 19th highest peak in New York State, proudly reaching an elevation of 4,427 feet.

Today's goal was a single summit hike, one we had attempted before but had to turn around due to time constraints. The first few miles on the trail leading to Marcy Dam provided a pleasant warm-up with a relatively straightforward path. Along the way, we had the pleasure of encountering a fellow solo hiker, and together, we made our way to the summit.

As we reached the junction that would lead us up to Tabletop, I suddenly became aware of my slowed pace. Storing my water hose in my pack to prevent freezing had inadvertently caused me to drink less, and my pre-hike food intake was minimal. To make matters worse, I had forgotten my snacks in the car, leaving me feeling drained. It wasn't until near the summit that I had to pause, dropping to my knees as something didn't feel right. Fortunately, I discovered a Nature's Valley Oats & Honey bar stashed in my pack, and after downing most of my water, I made a vow never to repeat the same oversight. I had never experienced such exhaustion, and it was a wake-up call – hydration, breaks, and proper nourishment are essential on any hike. With my newfound energy, I felt just like Popeye does after eating a can of spinach. And so, on we go for the final push.

Tabletop Mountain is one of the few trailless high peaks with a clearly marked herd path to the summit. A trailless peak is a mountain that lacks an established or maintained trail to its summit. Hikers typically rely on unofficial paths or herd paths created by previous hikers to navigate these peaks. Tracking our GPS to ensure we were on the right path, it was evident that we were almost there. And then, right before us, stood the summit sign. There's something about seeing signs that's always incredibly gratifying. We briefly celebrated our achievement with a few photos, and then we started our descent down the mountain. It's always interesting how the journey back seems a bit quicker when you reflect on how far you've come.

Upon our return to the parking lot, I promptly purchased our Tabletop Mountain patch and an insulated covering for my water hose, ensuring I wouldn't repeat the same mistake. Our adventure concluded perfectly with a mouthwatering lunch. In the parking lot, we tailgated and grilled up some venison kielbasa and peppers on our new Cuisinart portable grill. It was the perfect meal to celebrate our successful hike and savor the flavors of our accomplishment.

This journey taught me many valuable lessons, as every hike does. Surprisingly, it wasn't my boots that needed an upgrade this time. After 18 years, I've finally invested in the right footwear. These experiences are shaping my comprehensive hiking checklist, ensuring I'm fully prepared for each mountain adventure. In the end, I've adopted a new tradition: always carrying a Nature's Valley Oats and Honey bar in my backpack, just in case. It saved me that day and has become a crucial part of my backpack.

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Summiting the Adirondacks: Conquering the 46 High PeaksWhere stories live. Discover now