💞chapter 4 💞

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Time skip ....after one month ....

All the wedding function is completed...now all of them were living normal live ...it's been one month still Tae is shy whenever she is with kook but she never stop him  to do anything  with her ...and also kook is so whipped for his wife and always bring something for her ...when Ruby saw that kook again bringing something for her she would get jealous and tries to do something which will cause misunderstanding between them but she always fail to do so .....

As it is night time ie 9:10 ..so Tae is in her room while kook in his study room discussing something about tomorrow's meeting with his hyungs . While Tae is waiting for him to come as always wait for him ...like good Sankari wife ..she is sitting on the bed while fidding  with her hem of her saree...soon enough door of their room got open and  her husband came back with a blue file on his hand .He saw his wife is still waiting for him come ..he smile and directly went to her and stand infront of her with a  smile..when Tae feel his presence she look at him with a shy smile on her lips and said ....

Tae : ( shyly) oh ....you came go take a shower.. I'll arrange your night suit  ( stand up and is going towards the wardrobe but kook held her hand from the back after keeping his file on the bed ..she stop her way as he is holding her hand )
Kya kar rahe hai jungkook ji jhodiye na mera haath ( What are you doing please leave  my hand ) ( she said shyly without turning towards him as she is backfacing him )
Jk : why baby ( he said pull her towards himself by turning her around and hold her waist while she is not even able to look at him so she is  looking down on the floor ...)
Tell me, why should I leave  your hand when I have held your hand for the rest of my life? ( hold her hand and place a kiss on the back side of her palm and she become more shy while her cheeks turn dark shades of red and then while looking at  her face jungkook lie towards her cheeks and place a kiss over their too ..)
Jk: why you are this much shy around me ( said while holding her close to his chest) hmm say why ( but she  didn't said anything to him ) but I love your this shy nature of my cute  Ammo ( again pick her both cheeks )
Tae: leave me na ( said while looking at his  eyes )
Jk :ok I'll leave ...but for leaving you what I'll get ( said while holding her tightly)
Tae: what you want( said while playing with his shirt button with red cheeks )
Jk : yeah you have to give me a kiss that's all ( smile )
Tae : what ( binking her eyes cutely while looking at him )
Jk : yeah that is only way for you to  get  free from my grip ( Tae think for a while and said )
Tae : ok ( while tiptoeing she lye towards his lips with a shy smile and red cheeks she place her lips on his and not even moving it and she is going to back away but kook hold her nape with one hand and with other hand he holding her waist , he started to kiss her passionately with a smile on his face and soon he back away when he feel that she is out of breath..he look at her face which is  completely red ..
Jk : I'll go and take a shower ( pick her forehead and left toward the bathroom)

After kook completed his routine. He came join Tae on the bed beside Tae who is laying on the bed and looking at him with a pout ..as soon he lay on the bed Tae struggle to chest to sleep comfortably.. Soon both of them slept in each other's arms with a Contained smile on their face ...

Next morning...

Tae is working in the kitchen more like helping the maids and jungkook is doing his morning routine or getting ready to go to his office as he is a CEO..soon enough his came done with a soft smile on his face and greet good morning to everyone who are already sitting in dinning room ...
Jungkook too sat on his seat and were waiting for his Tae who is coming while taking the food ...
After 5mins Tae came in the dinning room with a food tray on her  hand and behind her maids are coming with food tray  ...when she came near it and look at jungkook who is already present...she smile at him shyly ...kept all the food containers on the table ..and started serve food to everyone with the help of Jin and jimin .. Ruby is going to server food to jungkook with a lustful smile on her face but before her Tae came and serve him his food and then she sit beside her husband with a smile and Ruby gritted her teeth while looking at Tae and then Tae look at Ruby and saw her plate is empty so she said
Tae : di should I serve your food too ( soft voice )
Ruby  : no I can do it by myself ( said rudely and Tae pout her lips and all look at Ruby with a glare on their face ..then jungkook said ...
Jk : baby eat your food. Don't think about someone who don't even know how to talk to their youngers ( said softly to Tae Who nodded her head and started to eat her food ...and others too ..)
Ruby ( while gritting her teeth she said in her mind ) : now you wait Taehyungie how I'll snatch jungkook from you and make him mine ..just wait and watch ...( smirk )

After doing breakfast all tops except jungkook went to their office.... jungkook is waiting for Tae to finish her breakfast as she didn't finish  her food ...
Tae : you can go to your office...you don't have to wait for me to finish my food ...( still eating )
Mrs Jeon Hana: first finish your food Tae and don't talk while eating and may be he need something from you ( said while coming from outside as he had went to her friend's place )
Tae : mom when did you came ( smile at her )
Hana : just now Tae ( pick her forehead and kook's too and she seat on the chair opposite to them )
Jk : baby come ( said when he saw Tae is a standing up from her place )
Tae :wait let's me take dirty dishes to kitchen..( holding the dirty plates on her hands )
Jk : leave it maids will do it ( hold Tae's hand and take her to their room )
Tae : what happen ( ask innocently like she don't know why he brought her here when reach their room  )
Jk :now give fast I'm already late ( said while pinning her on the wall )
Tae : what ( said like don't know what he want from her)
Jk : my byee kiss ( pout )
Tae: now ( she understands what he want )
Jk : yes ( as he don't have time so he himself lie towards her  lips and kiss her passionately and soon after 5mins he back away ..while pick her lips and forehead he said)
Jk : bye baby take care and have lunch on time  ok ( Tae nodded her head and he left)
Tae : ok ( standing like a red tomato)
Wait kook wait you forget your lunch box ( run behind him and directly went towards the  kitchen and soon came out and saw that he is no were and she look at the lunch box on her hand with a pout )
Hana : what happen ( said while diverting her gaze from the tv )
Tae : he left without his  lunch ( pout )
Hana : why don't you go to his office with his lunch or maybe you can go on a lunch date with him ( her gaze fixed on the tv )
Tae( sparkling eyes ) : ok I'll go there with his lunch after sometime ( said while walking towards the kitchen to do some work over there ...)


To be continue...

Meet you in next chapter...

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