💞 chapter 8 💞

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Jungkook is running towards the parking area where his car is parked with worried expression and his eyes is little glossy while the employees are looking at him with shocked expression cause they never saw him like this .. He came directly to the parking alot took his car and drove away in a hurry. As he was in hurry so he break so many red light on his way to come to the hospital. Soon he reach hospital parking area, he parked his car in a hurry and ran inside to the reception .

Jk : excuse me...is there any patients name jeon taehyung ( said with so much difficulty as inside his mind he praying to God that she didn't got any severe injury.)
Receptionist: I'm sorry sir, there is no patient with this name here. ( She said while checking on the computer..)
Jk : but I got the call that my wife is taken here ( teary eye )
Receptionist: Sir, are you talking about the  lady  who was brought in an ambulance just an hour ago and there was no one with her ?
Jk : I think ( hold his phone tight in his fist )
Receptionist: Sir you can go and check in the room number xx ..( saying that she saw the direction where he have to go)
Jk : thank you ( he ran towards the stairs )

As soon as  he reach to the operation theatre ..The door opens and the doctor comes out, removing his mask. When the doctor sees Jungkook, he says
Dr : Are you a relative of this patient? Jk : wait ( he move forwards and saw there on the  bed tae is laying on the bed with various wires  on her  body and oxygen mask on her face .. he eyes automatically got teary and it started to follow as he can't she her in any pain , He wipe   his tears and takes a step back towards the doctor.who is standing there )
Jk : how  is she doctor ( with worried teary eyes he ask )
Dr : yeah she ....( Cut off )

The the doctor stop when jungkook's mom and others came running towards him ..

Hana : jungkook your dad ...( Jungkook look at her with a confused face )
Jk : dad what happened to him ..
Hana : jungkook your dad met with an accident,,,
Jk : what ..
Hana : yeah we got calls from the hospital that he met with an accident while saving someone ( wipe her tears ) ..You are here before us, it means you already knew an accident had happened, so why didn't you call us earlier?
Jk : mom I didn't know that dad  met with an accident ,  I came here for Tae , ( all look at him with shocked expression).
Jin : Tae..
Jk : ( he told them about the call he get when he was in the meeting . After they  get quite he turn to the doctor who is still waiting for him )
Dr can you tell me how is she ..

Dr : by looking at her I can say that before accident she stayed outside under  the  hot sun and also her foots are swellon seem like she walk 2-3km , and now she is absolutely fine ,  she is out of  danger , thankfully she is doing good , there is not any internal injury ,  she only  have a wounds on her  head and some scratches on her body and also baby is absolutely fine and now we have to wait for her to gain her consciousness and than only we can do a further check ups . ( Dr said in a one go ) ( While others are looking at him with shocked expression)
Jk : baby ( his brain is repeating only one word that is baby)
Dr : yes baby , she is pregnant ...I'll send the gynecologist to check on the better functioning of the baby ..( left ) 

when they heard it , they become happy  plus worried , and when Ruby heard about it she become so much angry..

Ruby : ( in mind ) she is pregnant.
How could it be, Whenever I want to kill her she  somehow  survives, I have to  do something before that baby of her's comes in this world  . You both mother and child have to die now I don't care about the baby , you both have to go away from my jungkook's life so that could take your place ..( smirk )

She was continue to think about her plan and then she sat on the steel bench in the hospital  corridor . All others to sitting or standing being worried, as Dr didn't allowed them to  meet Tae...after doing some check ups on Tae they can meet her . Soon one of the ot room door opened and nurse came and ask them if they are the family member of Mr jeon and they needed their  head and then again she ask them about the blood group and jhope said his blood group is same as his dad so nurse took him inside .
Soon after 5 hrs ,  another ot room door opened and a doctor came out and directy came and stand infront of namjoon.

Dr : namjoon ( RM turn towards him and said )
Rm : jong-su , how is  my dad ( panicking said to his college friend )
Dr : Look, please don't  panicked ok , his head is badly wounded , his left  hands and leg are fractured, now I feel when he woke up  may be his lower part will be  completely paralyzed. Right now he is out of danger but if he does not regain consciousness within 48 hours, he may go into coma.( When they heard what he said they started get for worried) ..Now we can only pray to God that he comes to his senses soon and can be cured even after some therapies....( As they were not saying anything so Dr left to check on other patients while being pitty on them )

Hana sit out on the the bench with Jin and y/n ( who is 4 months pregnant) , both started to console her . While jungkook after listening what Dr said he went towards Tae ward with teary eyes and wobbly lips controling himself to not cry ..

In Tae's ward ..

Jungkook get inside and look at Tae who is laying on the bed being unconscious while there is white bandage on her forehead, she have some scratches on her body , there is IV drip connected on her right hand where the glucose is dripping on her nerves . While on her face there is oxygen mask and her face seem pale . Jungkook with his heart heavy and worry he approach her . He came and sit on the stool beside the bed . And took her frail hand on his hand and look at her who is laying on the bed motionlessly .

Jk : Tae Ammo, my love , I'm here . I'm so sorry this  happen to you , to us . We will get through this together,  I promise ..you're strong , I needs you and our unborn baby ( place his palm on her flat tummy ) need you so please woke up baby . ( Wipe his tears  which are continuously following )

Then he move his face close to Tae's flat tummy where the little bean is growing which is only one month .

Jk : ( whispering ) hello there little one , I'm your dada jeon jungkook , I know you're in there and I want you to know  that how much I love you already . I and your mama are waiting for you to come in this world ..  ( his gently strok  Tae's belly , if trying to connect with unborn child . " Baby your mother is strong and brave she is fighting to come to us . " ( His voice crack a little and then look at Tae whose face is pale and her lips is white in colour)
" Tae my love I'm , I'm right beside you ..( whisper near her ear and place a soft kiss on her forehead and then left the room )

3 days latter

In this 3 days nothing change on Tae's  condition she is still unconscious and she didn't move a little bit and about her father in-law , Dr gave them a very bad news about him that right now he in coma and no body could tell when he will woke up . When the family heard about it they broke down cause their father was their strength and now he in coma . And about Ruby she still planing to harm Tae by hook or crook but whenever she go her ward to do something there . But she failed to do so for 3-5 time . So she now went to  Hana and started to manipulate her that this all this is  Tae's plan to harm her father-in-law..as she never go out without driver or her personal body gaurd but she went out without anyone's knowing and may be who knows that she didn't hired a truck driver to imply her plan .
Hana started to belive in her words that this is Tae's plan to harm her husband.

Taehyung's eyes  flutter open and slowly slowly she open her eyes tried to adjust the light which is giving pain  to her eyes and nurse saw she woke up she help her sit nicely as she saw that Tae is struggling to sit on it .

Tae : wa....ter  ( nurse node her head and made her drank water and then left to call her family that she is now woke up and then she went to call for Dr )

The vip room door open and Hana come inside with so angry red eyes and without thinking twice ....



she  slapped Tae on her both of cheeks .


To be continue.....

Why did she slapped her ..do you have any idea ..what will jungkook do  after knowing  this ....

Stay stune....

Bye bye she in the next chapter...

I'll try to update soon ....

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