💞chapter 9💞

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By the way I changed the story title

Tae gain her consciousness back 10 before and looking here and there with pale week eyes .soon a nurse came  check on her and she smile at her when she saw that she is awake .

"  how are you feeling Mrs jeon "  nurse taehyung with a soft smile on her face )

Tae nod her head as yes 
"  water "  nurse nod her and went  to get the water from the table  beside the table , see then  made taehyung to drink the water with her hands  ,

" do you want something  Mrs jeon."  She said while standing beside her While tae node  her head as no  .
" Okay then " said  the nurse and went towards her and roll the head piece of the bed in a sitting position , while Tae look at her like she is asking something to her. The nurse understood what she is asking and said .
" I will go and call your family " saying that nurse went outside .

As soon as the nurse  went outside after 2 minutes the VIP room door get open and Mrs Jeon Hana get inside with furious expression. While tae  look at her .

" Mo ..." Tae is going to say something but stop when suddenly see directly came towards her and





Without listening to her hana slapped her four times continuously . Cause of the slap Tae's  whole head started to spin and in front of her eyes all things are rolling and before she fells  done from the bed .

" Tae .." jungkook hold her at the same time before she  fells  down , while tae hold is waist from the back and kept her head on his chest cause of the fear of felling down . And Jungkook hold her securely and caresses her back and glare at his mom and before he could say she said with her anger on her voice .

" Stupid girl, because of you today my husband is in coma , If you were not walking on the road like a living corpse then my husband would not have gone  to save you and this would never had happened , " said Hana  with red angry eyes . Like the police had told everything about the accident to them  in these three days and they had also seen the CCTV footage, due to which they know how the accident happened . After 36 hours of operating Mr Jeon, the doctor declared that Mr Jeon slipped into coma , and they also said they don't know when he will woke up ..

And when jungkook heard what his mother  is saying he felt like she  is blaming all the things on his wife so he said .

" Mom are you out of your mind, can't you see she is laying on the hospital bed and you are being aggressive towards her ", said jungkook and look at Tae whose tears are falling continuously .

" She is the main reason my husband is too laying on the hospital bed and we all don't know when he will woke up from the coma. " , hana  said with a tears on her eyes . While other family members are only looking at the drama happening in front of their eyes, and their Ruby is enjoying the scene while standing behind namjoon .

" Mom it's not tae's  fault that the truck will come towards her  or maybe he came intensely  to hit her as  we had already saw  it in the CCTV footage that  how the truck was coming towards her " sad jungkook coldly  while caressing caressing Tae's back . Taehyung raise her head from jungkook's chest and look at him and said with her weak voice ,

"Hubby  I ...don't ....know .... anything.....," said tae with her weak trembling voice while the tears are falling from her eyes , then fainted again on his chest .

" Tae ..ammo " said jungkook while  panicking while holding her in his arms . " Tae woke up .... doctor", said jungkook with teary eyes and namjoon ran outside to call the doctor. Soon after 2 minutes doctor with nurse  enter inside hurriedly.

" What happen , a while ago nurse told  me that she has gain her consciousness " said  the doctor while entering from the door . Then jungkook told what happen to her . And doctor look hana and says .

" Why are you being impulsive on the patient who literally wake up from unconscious state after f****** three days . " Said the doctor with angry  eyes . " it's your family matter you should solve your problem at home when she is perfectly fine , anyway please all of you get outside of the room  I have to check on  the patient", said  the doctor while pointing his index finger towards the door, everyone including Hana  get outside of the room except Jungkook . The doctor look at him and said.

" You too Mr Jeon ", jungkook only node  his  head as no and  lay Tae down on the bed properly .

" Please Mr Jeon ,I  have to check on her properly so please go outside ", said doctor and . Also as jungkook don't want to disturb the doctor so he peak tae's forehead and went out of the room and wait for for doctor to come and tell what exactly happened to her .

After 15 minutes the doctor came out and said to  jungkook ..

" Mr Jeon ,  please come to my cabinet so that we can discuss about her condition ", jungkook only node  his head and went  behind the doctor while other family members sit on the steel bench on the corridor of the hospital and half of them went from the hospital to do their own work .

" Doctor" jungkook said  while opening the doctor cabinet door .

" Please have a seat  Mr Jeon ", said  the doctor while indicating his hand towards the chair in front of him to jungkook . Jungkook came inside the cabin and sat on the chair with worried expression while their is dried tears on his chubby cheeks.

" As maybe you already knew that she is very much sensitive towards any pain", said the doctor.

" Yes I knew it ", said jungkook .

" As now by looking at her condition I can say she will  not tolerate any stress or pain so I may suggest you to  please take care of her nicely in her pregnancy period", said the doctor while checking tae's file .

" There will be no risky in her life or in her pregnancy right doctor ", said jungkook with worried face .

" Yes there will be no risky in her life but you have to take extra care of her as I suggest you to consult you and talk  the best gynecologist of the hospital and you can take suggestions from  him or her how to take care of her  in her pregnancy period ," said the doctor by looking at him and jungkook just node his head .

"What happened to her now doctor that she fainted ", ask jungkook

" Oh that is the cause of the four slap on her face , as she just woke up from her unconscious state and  also she is weak , wait for next morning , she will woke up now she is sleeping cause of the sleeping pills which we gave her  a while ago ", said  the doctor and jungkook node  his head and   after thanking the doctor he went outside towards tae's ward .

At night  ,

All other members back are came back to the mansion , only Namjoon and jungkook  is present in hospital, while  Namjoon is staying in Mr Jeon's vip room with him , and jungkook is with his wife Tae who is sleeping. Currently it is 1:40 am , all corridor is dead silent means all persons who are present in vip corridor where Jeon's are present are sleeping peacefully, ..
In Tae's hospital room , Tae is sleeping on the bed with the wires are connected in her body . While jungkook is sleeping on other bed in vip room which is available for the family. Both are in deep sleep .

Suddenly room door open and enter one lady front and other 4-5 behind her . The lady went towards Tae's bed and sat on the stool beside it . .


To be continue...

How was it do tell me ....

Who might be that lady who came to Tae's room. And why did he come....

Bye bye see in the next chapter...

Love you ..my readers ...

Thanking you for waiting for me ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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