💞 chapter 6💞

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Jk's cabin ...

Jk is sitting on his chair while Tae is on his lap hiding her face on his chest still she didn't back away from his chest..she is only cry and jk is saying sweet words on her ears to calm her but nothing is happening . She is crying , sobbing on his chest and holding his coat tightly on her fist ...

Jk : Ammo please don't cry na I don't like when you cry like this ( wipe her tears while she trying to cover herself with his coat )
Tae : I ....didn't...... do..... anything.... to..... her.... but.... why.... did..... she... do.... it..... to.... me? ...( Said in between her hiscups) I..... only.... asked .....them the.... way......of..... your..... cabin..( again crying )
Jk : yeah baby I know and she have to face the consequences of these .

he was consoling her with sweets words . Soon he heard soft snore from Tae and he smile while thinking that she must be tired of crying and without her knowing she slept in his embrace while still the sobs are leaving from her lips which is echoing in this silent cabin of his . First he remove his coat slowing without distrubing her sleep and patt her back when she whine in her sleep so that she could go back to sleep . Then he cover her lower from her waist as she is only in inskirt . As he done covering her he heard door knocking sound)

Jk : come in ( cold voice while patting Tae back who is in deep slumber . He look towards the door where his assistant manager is standing at the door and is get inside )
A.M : sir you meeting ( look done when saw that he sir is glaring at him )
Jk : cancel the meeting ( without thinking twice)
A.M : sir it's very important you can't cancel.
Jk : why I can't ..fix the meeting for other day .
A.M: but sir the client is going back to his own country Tomorrow morning. so he want to do the meeting today only otherwise will lost this project sir .
Jk : but why he is going this much early as he came here for 15 days then .
A.M : yes sir .but he said that he its important for him to go there cause of his wife is in labour.
Jk : ok fix the meeting then after 1 hour . And also go and say some female employee to bring the dress for my wife .
A.M: ok sir ( as he said that and is going to walk towards the door but stop when two young men enter inside with a apologetic smile on one of the male's face while other one is neutral)
Mr William: hello .. we are extremely sorry Mr Jeon. As it's very important meeting so I can't wait more so I came before the meeting time ( when jk heard he voice he nicely cover Tae and smile at him )
Jk : it's ok Mr William. Please have a sit ( said to them and they sat on the chair infront of him )
Mr William : I'm going back . As now I got call from my mother that my wife gave birth to a baby girl .so I can't wait to go back and hold her in my arms ( jk little smile at him )
Jk : congratulations Mr William. So let's started the meeting ..
Mr William: yeah ..

Then they starts the meeting . And were discussing about their upcoming projects. jk's assistant manager left the cabin when the meeting started . The meeting is going on when jk's eyes fall on the person who is sitting beside Mr William who is eying Tae and he again started to feel angry which have calmed down little. But looking at that man who is looking at his wife like a pervert. So he cover Tae's face with his hand ..again look towards Mr William who is explaining something..

Soon their meeting get over ..

Jk : its nice project Mr William I actually like your concepts .so will sign contract with you after one more meeting when you will come back after meeting you daughter..
Mr William: yeah of course thank you so much Mr Jeon ..( smile at him while jk is glaring at the man )
Btw Mr Jeon who is she you are holding her in your arms from past 1 and half hours ( pointed at Tae who is sleeping peacefully on her husband's arms ..)
Jk : oh she is my wife .
Mr William: why her cheeks are red like a tomato ..she have fever or what ( jk look down at her cheeks and caresses it Little and said )
Jk : no actually she is allergic of onion she ate on lunch by mistake ( don't want to tell them the truth )
Mr William: oh ok take care of her Mr Jeon. We will be going than ( jungkook nod his head ) . Let's go bro ( said to his brother who is sitting beside him and jungkook just glared at him and then they left ) ..

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