💞 chapter 7 💞

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Sorry for late update


A week latter...

It's been one week of that incident in the office . Now Tae is better , she tries to forget that incident . As kook didn't told everyone about the incident so no one knew about it .

Right now  it is  11:30 a.m. Tae is cooking food in the kitchen with the help of the maids while all the members including parents are out in the office or with friends or in the vacation as  jhope and y/n went for a vacation so there is no one at home only  Tae and Ruby is at home while Ruby is sitting in the living room with her friends who came just a while ago . Ruby and her friends are busy in talking with her friends who are sitting on sofa like they own this house and Tae is cooking of food for them  . But suddenly Tae's phone rang which is kept on the dinning table and ringing sound takes everyone's attention.

Tae: oh my phone is ringing ..( look at her hands which is covered with the flour . She fastly wash her hands and then went towards the dinning table before instructing the maid , but when reach there the phone has stopped ringing . She took her phone on her hand and see whose caller id it is )
" It's hubby's call ..I should go to the room  and talk to him . " Smile and slowly slowly walk  to her room while thinking something. As she is walking pass by the living room ...she heard what Ruby's friend  says ..

Ria : Ruby see when I was coming to your mansion my heels strip broke ..now how will I go back ( all of them  look at her )
Ruby : don't worry I'll sent someone to repair it . ( Said while siping her juice while she is looking at Tae )
Ria : Ruby are you ok ...Ruby how could you send someone like this, do you know how much this heels cost .
Ruby : No maid will not take your heals to repair it , my choti devrani ( younger brother in law's wife )  will go because she stays in the house all day long..she has no work or any important  things to do as she is always free ( said while smirking )
Ria : ok than that good ( smile at her )
Ruby : ( she look here and there like she didn't saw Tae on the staircase )
" oh Taehyungie come " ( Tae came to her and stand infront of her )
Tae  : yes unnie ( sad  smile she already heard what they were saying )
Ruby : pick this heels ( point her index finger towards the heels and Tae look at it )  go to the shop repair it and come without affecting it .
Tae : but unnie I have many work to do in the kitchen ( try to protest )
Ruby : that work maid will do ..you do what I said ( said Coldly )
Tae : ok unnie ( pick the heals on her hand )
Ria : hey  this heels is very expensive so nothing should happen to my heels , understand ( Tae head  her head and firstly she walk towards her room to take her phone from it and came downstairs, walk towards the garage where all vehicles are kept)
Ria : Wow Ruby, you are ordering your devar's wife ( brother-in-law's) , what's the matter .
Ruby : I'll tell you later ..now let's enjoy our time ( all started to cheer and started to talk about the random things )

Soon after 5 min Tae came to Ruby  who is busy in enjoying with her friends .and said ..

Tae : Unnie, there is no key of any one of the vehicle , how will I go then ( said softly to her )
Ruby: go by your legs ( said rudely to her )
Tae : But the shop is very far away from here ( pout , while Ruby's friends coe at her and were feeling sad of her )
Ruby : go I said ..walk with your legs , you can walk some distance it will not affect you in anyways .
Tae : but unnie ( Ruby glare at her and she walk towards the door teary eyes as she elder than  her that's why she is tolerating her and also she don't want her to be sad )

Ria : Ruby she is cute and innocent why are you behaving like this to  her . ( She is feeling sad for her )
Ruby : cause she took something important away from me .
Ria : I don't know what it is that she took away from you ..but I'm feeling said for her ..as you yourself cut my heals strips with scissor and made me said that all that things . ( Other two friends nod their head as till now they were sitting quitely)
Ruby : ok forget about her and let's enjoy our time as we met after so long time .

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