Human Error: Chapter IV - Sin

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From the perspective of Emily in the first person. It is in present tense.


Emily awakens from a hard night of drinking and, after some joking and confusion, discovers that she passed out after drinking an abundance of vodka. Trisha, a new friend and fellow prostitute, informs her that she spoke of Jim in her sleep shortly before both leave for their shifts.

While still out on the corner, Emily is picked up by a woman who she infers must be religious by the objects in the vehicle. After the woman has Emily kiss her, she handcuffs her and attempts to kill her. Fortunately, with the combination of Emily's instincts and Trisha rescuing her, she makes it out of the vehicle safely. 

Trisha and Emily opt to go cold-turkey from their heroine and alcohol addictions; they want to save up more money so they can escape Carver and get a fresh start. 

At the end, they decided to celebrate and purchase some drinks.

My Interpretation: 

Emily is still haunted subconsciously by Jim Moriarty. He offered to let her watch the world burn with him, but she refused. She is deeply affected by the disaster that was in Switzerland and Amy Walksin. (See The Art of Corruption, Chapter 40 - Blood to Ice for reference.) 

The person who attacked and handcuffed Emily must have been jealous and resentful -- therefore not following the most basic concepts of Christianity. God is more likely to condemn your judgement, envy, and murder than someone who was drawn into prostitution. 

Trisha and Emily fear and loathe Carver, but they're willing to risk their lives for a better one, which says a lot about each woman's character.


"'"Welcome to the world of the living."'" (Around line 10, paragraph 4, and page 1 web version.)

"'Her lips are, as expected, cold against my own."'" (Around line 100, paragraph 53, and page 2 web version.)

"'"We can't tip them off without getting locked up ourselves. Comes as part of the prostitute package."'" (Around line 198, paragraph 93, and page 4 web version.)

Character Analysis:

Emily is terrified of Jim still. She dreams about him, and she talks about him in her sleep. 

She is also in a lot of emotional pain. She is suffering on the inside. When the woman was preparing to kill her, she awaited death patiently and wondered why she even bothered to allow this stranger to take her life. Why inconvenience them instead of taking care of it herself? This exposes the deeper parts of Emily that are hurting and damaged. Emily seems to feel too much, in my opinion. While Millie is colder and analytical, Emily is feels things vibrantly and radiantly.

She is the queen of self-destruction, and Moriarty only adds to the fire.

When she and Trisha discuss leaving, there is a flicker of hope for both characters. Maybe Emily isn't as bad off as she thought she was? When there's still hope, there's a chance for things to change.

Whether it's for better or worse is up to you.

Plot Furtherance:

If Emily and Trisha manage to save enough finances, will they be successful in escaping? Will Carver find out? 

And what does Emily plan to do if they do leave? What will become of them?

General Description:


The imagery is always spectacular. My favorite few segments were when Emily was in the vehicle and she was too slow decipher what was happening before the handcuffs were latched onto her.

Also, the vocabulary is always astounding.

Tone and Mood:

It starts off with an easy chuckle before shifting abruptly into a poignant sadness. 

Once Emily slips into the car with the homicidal woman, it transitions from anticipatory to intense fighting and rooting for our protagonist to live. After a brief moment of internal conflict and misery, the chapter ends on a lighter note and a bit of humor.

Song: Welcome to the Black Parade (it matches the constant changing of mood.)


I hope you've all enjoyed reading.

If there's anything you think that I should add or that needs correcting, feel free to let me know.

Also, if you ever have a suggestion for a song, I'll take it.

Feel free to submit more works.

Have a happy Tuesday, everyone.

See you Thursday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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