Joker Kamijou

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Joker Kamijou -->

Here it is.... the explanation for Touma's betrayal!

And for Aimi's hatred.

Aimi watched Mikoto with narrowed eyes.

They were in the lab where she had first fought Shizuri Mugino... Everything was torn apart, with machine parts everywhere, wires hanging from the ceiling...

Mikoto was chained to a wall, bandages wrapped around her, erm, lady parts.

"Why?" Aimi muttered aloud. "Why were you always so special? Look at you... broken and battered, while I, your shadow, sit here in perfect health..."

Aimi smirked. "It's about time, though... that you don't act like some freaking 'darling'... that you aren't special... not better..."

Aimi twirled her scythe in her hand. "I could kill you right now..."

She gritted her teeth. "And I would, too... if it weren't for the Boss Man... he wants you alive..." She glared at Mikoto. "I hate you... I hate you so freaking much...."

Aimi threw her scythe across the room, the sharp end embedding into the wall beside Mikoto's head.

"They always liked you better..." She whispered bitterly.

"Hey, Mama!" A ten-year-old Mikoto Misaka said cheerfully, running up to a woman with chestnut brown hair in a blue shirt. "Look what I drawed!" She handed Misuzu Misaka a sloppy drawing of a stick figure woman with brown hair, and two smaller stick figures beside her. "It's me and Aimi and you!" She said cheerfully.

"It's beautiful, Micky!" Misuzu said warmly. "Just like you!"

"Mommy, look!" Aimi, who looked exactly like Mikoto except Aimi didn't have the tell tale strand of hair sticking up on her head, ran up to her mother. She was waving a paper around as well. "Look! I drew a puppy dog!"

"That's nice." Misuzu stood up, her gaze flickering to Aimi for a moment before grabbing Mikoto's hand. "Come on, Micky! Tomorrow you get to go to Academy City!"

"Yay!" Little Mikoto yelled gleefully. "I'm gonna get powerful!"

Two months later, Mikoto had went from Level 1 to Level 3, the fastest transition of two Levels in History.

Aimi watched her sister with jealousy from the shadows. She had been forced to come along with Misuzu because she could 'learn from her sister'. However, Misuzu had yet to speak to her other daughter.

"Why do you get to be so powerful?" Aimi muttered darkly.

"Do you want to be?"

Aimi whirled around to see an aged scientist with a birthmark on his temple looking at her, smiling. "Because I can make you powerful!"

Aimi, too young and excited of somebody noticing her to notice the sketchiness, nodded.

"Great!" The man said. "My name is Gensei Kihara."

"And after that," 14-year-old Aimi whispered, looking at the floor. "He gave me shots, and drugs, and exercises... until I was at Level 5." She looked at her sister. "I was a 5 before you were, you know."

Mikoto was awake, listening, however she stayed silent, her body still hurting from the combo attack, and from the Level 6 Shift... the shift hurt.

"That isn't all dear mother did." Aimi whispered. "That's just all I can tell you right now... he's coming..."

"I'm sorry." Mikoto croaked. "Really, I am." Aimi laughed bitterly.

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