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The story's themesong —>


Academy City, May 17, 2015

A Certain chestnut-haired 14-year-old sat in a padded room, tied up with Anti Skill glovesand a straightjacket. She was leaning against the wall, her eyes closed, bored out of her mind. She'd been here for about two weeks, but in solitary confinement, it seemed like two decades.

She hadn't attempted to massacre Japan; she had actually been at the park at the time she was supposedly about to push a big red button.

Yet, they'd taken her here. The best maximum-security prison in the world.

She was granted food and water twice a day, each time by a miniature robot shaped like a trash can. And it was always the same thing: water, pudding, corn, and then something that looked like wet cement and smelled like peaches.

She hadn't seen a fellow human being in months.

The girl sighed.

Suddenly, she heard a whooshing sound, and the girl looked to her right, only for her brown eyes to fly open as she saw her best friend standing in the room, her red hair still waving from hertrip through space.

"Kuroko!" the girl gasped, just as Kuroko Shirai teleported the straight jacket and gloves to the other side of theroom. The girl stood up.

"Come on, Sissy!" Kuroko said, not giving the other girl time to ask questions as they both teleported out of the room.

The sound of thick boots and yelling behind them revealed that her escape had been discovered. The chestnut-haired girl flashed a tremendous blast of electricity from her bangs, electrocuting the guards.

"We're almost there." Kuroko informed.

They both skidded to a stop. A massive patrol of Anti-Skill officers were in front of them, their guns pointed at the two friends.

"Stop right there!" The commander yelled, her black hair swishing behind her as she moved.

Kuroko's eyes flickered to the air vents above her, and both her and the girl teleported into them, Kuroko leading as they both crawled at top speed.

 "Just around this corner.. and through here. Kuroko was muttering to herself.

The girl grunted in pain as she moved her stiff muscles.

"Ah ha!" Kuroko announced pridely as she teleported herself and the girl to the floor. "Over here!" Both girls dashed to a tube-like machine.

"Get in!"Kuroko shoved the girl inside the tube as several ninjas- wait ninjas!? What were ninjas doing here!?

The ninjas surrounded Kuroko, as said teleporter gritted her teeth as she moved into battle position, six white pins in her hands. Two of the pins teleported into one of the ninja's legs, and he howled in pain as he collapsed to the floor.

The girl in the machine fired another lightning bolt, but it did nothing to breach the glass. The girl tried his several times, but the glass seemed to be unable to conduct electricity.

Kuroko had brought down three more ninjas, but there was still four left. Kuroko tried desperately to avoid their punches and kicks, teleporting back and forth, but she was exhausted, breaking into the prison had really wore her out.

Kuroko teleported six inches.. then another six inches.. then another.. until she was standing beside the pod. Kuroko typed in something on the keypad, and pulled a lever. Lights began to flash above the girl's head.

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