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A throbbing sensation woke Marina up from her slumber. She groaned and winced as another sting of pain settled through her. One by one her eyes opened, her lashes stuck to each other. As her vision cleared, she noticed she was on the floor. She ran her fingertips along the rough concrete.

"Marina." The voice was hoarse and taut.

Dazed, Marina looked in front of her.

Denali sat across from her, hunched over in a sitting position. A bloodied arm covered his abdomen. His arms were so bloody she had trouble deciphering what was skin and cloth. A sheen of sweat coated his face.

Marina grimaced once again, staring at the source of her pain. A gash bled slowly on her arm. She closed her fingers over the wound and glanced at Denali. Scarlet glowed in his irises, it steadily getting more vibrant. His fangs dripped with saliva as they passed against his bottom lip.

Fear crawled its way up her chest. She inhaled slowly. Denali was a person, not just a monster. However, she wasn't sure if he would be able to hold himself back.

Footsteps drew closer. Marina craned her neck to see, noting the bars in front of her. She was in a cell and based on how dim the lighting was and the dampness of the air, she seemed to be in a basement.

"Good now you're both awake!" A shrill voice sounded beside Marina. Arlo stood in front of the cell bars with merriment dancing in his eyes. "How are you holding up there, Denny?"

Denali made a strangled sound in the back of his throat. Blood bubbled out of his mouth. "You're a dick."

"Painful isn't it? I know you want it to end, to tear her apart and heal."

Denali shook his head. He leaned back and grunted. He met Marina's gaze, but he wasn't looking at her, more like looking through her, "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." He adjusted himself and leaned back on the wall.

Marina gasped, catching the wound he covered with his forearm. His stomach had to be slashed and it dawned on Marina that he was holding his guts together. He looked as if he was on death's door. It was a miracle he was even conscious—he was lying in a pool of his own blood.

She glanced down at her dress, grabbing an edge of it. She dug her nails into the fabric and tore a piece of it, using it to staunch the blood coming from her arm. She felt a bit dizzy and her vision was fish-eyed. She held onto her anger from Arlo, keeping her conscious. She had to find a way out of there safety with Denali.

Arlo crouched in front of the cell becoming eye level with Marina. He clinked his rings against the bars. His skin sizzled against it. "You know he can't last much longer. He needs blood and you're the only food source around. Well... the only closest food source." He motioned to the cell behind him.

Marina followed his gaze.

A sob caught in her throat as she saw Syd and Flynn on the floor. They were both unconscious but Marina noted the steady rise and fall of their chests. Relief coursed through her. They were still alive. So noted how sunken in their skin was. Wounds covered their arms and necks. Her heart cried out for them. Were they in here this whole time?

"You don't have to do this," Denali groaned. A coughing fit attacked him and a blood clot splattered on his hand, "Lance and Chris can help you, you know that Arlo."

"Oh dear Denny," Arlo leaned close to Denali's side of the cell, "the golden vampire. The angel prince of the Veronis clan. You've been doing everything to preserve your humanity. What will Lance and Chris think of you if you tear into the mermaid? You'll be just like the rest of us."

"I am nothing like you!" Denali hissed, his voice taking on a guttural layer, "You're scum and I'm sure Lance regrets turning you." He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut.

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