Savin' Me

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Bunny remembers the day his mate shared his biggest secret with him.

it was a warm day in the Warren, all the guardians were hanging out, most playing in one of the small lakes. Bunny and Jack sat on the land, as far away from the water as they could be and still both hear and see their friends when it happens.

"why aren't ya playing with'em? waters cool enough, won't hurt ya." Bunny says, leaning back against the tree behind him. Jacks leaned against his side. he immediately stiffens and shakes his head.

"no way." Jack mutters. Bunny frowns.

"we all know how ya became a guardian Jack, we wouldn' let it happen again." Bunny assures.

"its not that..." Jack trails. Bunny looks over.

"then what is it? the water may not be the cleanest, but won' hurt ya." Bunny assures.

"s'not that either." Jack mumbles. "I was just a kid when I died and something weren't important to teach kids back then." Jack mumbles. Bunny looks confused.

"what do ya mean?" Bunny asks.

"I, um... Aster, I can't swim." Jack admits, hesitantly. Bunny shifts and looks down at him, tightening his hold on the smaller carefully.

"thats alright Snowflake." Bunny assures.

"how come you're not out there?" Jack asks. Bunny scoffs.

"I don't swim. that water does stuff t' me fur. takes weeks t' get out and make it soft again. nothing is worth that struggle." Bunny mutters. Jack chuckles softly, running his fingers through the fur on the arm around him.

"I like it better this way anyway. you'd look like a wet rat if you got in." Jack laughs.

Bunny can't remember the name of the summer spirit they're fighting, some larkin who wants to put an end to winter forever,

none of the guardians look to good. its summer so the spirit is stronger.

Bunny should've been paying more attention to his mate. he lost track of Jack, they all did, until he screamed.

Bunny jerks around to look at him. the spirit is holding Jack by his throat, staff broken in half, holding him in the air.

"let him go!" Bunny snaps. Jack is desperately pulling at the hand around his throat.

"no problem." the man grins dropping Jack.

"Jack!" Tooth screams. Bunny barely has time to watch Jack disappear over the cliff, before he drops down on all foor and takes off running. the spirit throws Jacks broken staff after Jack with a laugh.

"JACK!" Bunny shouts. he full force pounces off the sprites head and over the edge, flinging himself down towards the water below, and Jack.

"Bunny! no!" North shouts, running after him.

"Aster!" Jack shouts, trying to grab at his staff. its out of his reach, closer to Bunnys. the Pooka easily grabs it, stuffing the pieces into the back of his sash with his boomerangs, before reaching for Jack. Jack lets go of his injured side to reach back at his mate with both hands.

"I've got'cha! don' worry! I got'cha!" Bunny shouts, reaching towards Jack. his fingers brush Jacks briefly. "c'mon wind! c'mon! help him!" Bunny snaps. the wind picks up around them, attempting to push them together, at least a little.

with luck, Bunny manages to snag hold of Jacks hand, yanking him into his chest.

"Jack, I've got'cha mate.s'okay Snowdrop. I got'cha." Bunny murmurs softly, as his mate wraps his arms and legs around him as tightly as he can.

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