Meet Frostbite (The Club AU)

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Jack shifts on the pull out bed, he can smell something delicious coming from the kitchen, and opens his eyes. he freezes seeing a small black fuzzy ball near his head.

"what...?" Jack mutters.

"Snowflake? ya awake in there?" Bunny calls.

"uh.... yeah... uh, Aster... do... do you have a cat?" Jack asks. Bunny pokes his head out of the kitchen just as the fuzzy ball stretches.

"oh yeah, thats me Foster Fail, Frostbite." Bunny says. "she usually doesn't go near new people or I would've warned ye about her." he adds. Frostbite yawns, before looking over at Jack.

"Frostbite?" Jack asks. Bunny nods, walking over. he easily scoops up the cat and holds her out slightly. the poor cat is missing half an ear and most of her tail, along with most of her toes.

"yeah, she had Frostbite when she was found, they didn't think she would make it, so they just called her Frostbite. when she pulled through, they called and asked if I could foster her until they found somewhere for her to go." Bunny says, carefully putting the feline down.

"you said she was a fail...?" Jack asks. Bunny flushes slightly, looking away.

"yeah, little bugger. couldn' get rid o her in the end." Bunny frowns. Jack grins at him. "y'jus' missed Carrot and Usa. I was fostering a couple rabbits until about three days ago. they got a home just down the hall with a little girl named Sofie. sweet kid." Bunny adds.

"you foster more than cats?" Jack asks.

"mate, I'm the one they call when someone else won' foster something. rabbits, lizards, cats, rats, snakes, spiders, birds, had an Opossum once, that was an interesting experience." Bunny snorts. he looks down at Frostbite. "oh an if'n ye want t' keep yer toes, I'd suggest ye cover'em up or Frostbite'll get'em." Bunny snorts heading back towards the kitchen. Jack pulls his feet back under the blanket quickly.

"you don't foster dogs?" Jack asks. Bunny tenses slightly at the question, so Jack immediately asks another. "uh hey, speaking of toes, did Frostbite do that to you?" Jack asks. Bunny pauses, glancing down at his left foot. he knows exactly what Jacks talking about. the scars all up his leg and his messed up foot.

"I got attacked by a dog as an ankle-biter. was standin' outside once, callin fer me sister neighbors dog came outta no where. me ma came runnin' when I started screamin'. bastard got three of me toes, they managed t' save one and half of another." Bunny explains. Jack winces. the no fostering dogs made since.

"I'm sorry... how old were you?" Jack asks.

"five... maybe six." Bunny shrugs. he continues back towards the kitchen.

"I fell in a lake when I was 17." Jack says. Bunny pauses again, turning to face him this time. "its why my hairs white. I was skating around with my little sister, the ice was thin. I managed to get her to safety then fell in. I died for a few minutes. about a week later, my hair started turning white." Jack says. Bunny watches him.

"an yer sister?" Bunny ask. Jack grins.

"she was fine." Jack assures.

"sounds like yer a good big brother." Bunny smiles. "if she'll let ye pet'er, Frostbites pretty sweet." Bunny assures, disappearing into the kitchen. Jack looks at the little black fluff ball, she stares back with her bright yellow eyes, almost staring into his soul. she lets out a quiet sound watching him.

"oh my god, that was the absolute crispiest meow I've ever heard." Jack grins, holding a hand out towards her.

"don' pick on'er. her vocal cords were damaged." Bunny warns.

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