How the others found out

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it had started with Sandy. the dream guardian had been sent to get both Bunny and Jack from the Warren, where Jack had set up his home in one of Bunny's spare rooms. he hadn't meant to snoop, but when he'd entered the den in the Warren, he'd found Jacks room empty.

Jack wasn't in the Warren, it was too big an area to check but Sandy could sense he was sleeping, so Sandy went looking for Bunny. perhaps Jack had fallen asleep somewhere else and Bunny knew where to find him.

he paused upon entering Bunnys nest area. Jack and Bunny are curled up in Bunny's nest, snoring. Jack is curled up firmly against Bunny, face in his chest snoring quietly, fingers clutched in the tuft of fur on his chest. Bunny had his arms firmly wrapped around Jacks waist and shoulder, holding the smaller as tight and close as he could without suffocating the man. their legs are tangled together under a light sheet. Bunny's chin is resting on Jacks head, messing up the frost guardians white hair.

Sandy stares at them a moment, before a grin crosses his face, he steps back out of the den and back out into the Warren.

he'd like to leave the two alone, happily cuddled together, but North needs them both for urgent business. he uses his dreamsand to enter the den and, instead of going for both of them, goes after Bunny. the Pooka was dreaming of his homeworld, the beginning of the war, anyway and would probably appreciate a wake up call.

Bunny grumbles, blinking awake. he waves away the dreamsand handing over his head.

"okay okay, I hear ya." Bunny grumbles, before shaking Jack gently.

"no." Jack grumbles.

"c'mon. Sandy says North needs us." Bunny mutters. Jack blinks awake, confused.

"huh?" he mumbles.

"c'mon, North needs us." Bunny murmurs softly. Jack groans and gets up.

"more cuddles later though right?" Jack mumbles. Bunny nods, chinning the smallers head gently.

"yeah." he murmurs, kissing the top of his mates head. "c'mon, get up." Bunny says, getting up out of their shared nest. he pulls on his armor, grabbing his boomerangs. Jack gets up and stretches, fixing his hair before following Bunny out.

"lets get this over with." Jack murmurs.


the entire mission had been absolutely disastrous, ending with Jack injured and unconscious.

Jack had been nearly crushed, broken his leg and his staff, ending up unconscious and unable to help in the rest of the fight.

"come on, we'll put him on the couch." Tooth says. Bunny nods slightly, shifting Jack on his back. the smaller hisses softly, half conscious. Bunny had made a field splint on Jacks leg but it didn't mean it didn't hurt.

"sorry mate." Bunny murmurs. he walks over to the couch in the gathering room, something North had installed when they started having monthly meetings.

he as gentle as he can be, laying Jack down gently.

"fuck." Jack hisses.

"sorry." Bunny murmurs gently, rubbing his thumb over the back of Jacks hand. he stands up.

"Jack are you alright?" Tooth asks, worriedly.

"no." Jack grunts, wincing.

"keep an eye on'im. get'em some ice er somethin', I'll be back. I've got a salve in the Warren I've gotta go get." Bunny says. Tooth nods.

"you go, we keep eye on Jack." North assures gently, walking over to Frost guardian. Bunny taps the ground, winks at Jack, and jumps into the hole.

he's back five minutes later, both arms full of little jars. he sets them out on the table and gets to work removing the rest of Jacks pant leg from his shreaded pants.

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