I don't want to be a Guardian Pt 1

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Part 2 is coming soon, it will be the next thing posted, but I've gotta get ready for work so I don't have time to finish the whole thing.

the big four, and Jack, stand on the ice. the Burgess kids had left long ago and Pitch has been gone for at least an hour, when North brings up the elephant in the room.

"so, Jack, you are ready to be official Guardian now, yes?" North asks. the other three Guardians are smiling behind him, but Jack frowns. he looks almost confused.

"no, I already told you. thats not for me. I'm not a Guardian." Jack shrugs, watching them. the others stare at him confusedly.

"but Jack-" Tooth tries.

"are ya daft ya gumby?" Bunny scoffs. Jack huffs at him.

"Jack, we are not understanding, why?" North asks, watching him.

"why would I?" Jack counters. "I made it three hundred years alone, I don't need you guys." Jack huffs.

"we have wiped clean the slate, we told you this?" North asks, sounding even more confused.

"maybe you did, but that doesn't mean I have." Jack glares.

"what do you mean Jack?" Tooth asks, watching him. Jack scoffs.

"I'm glad you guys forgive harmless pranks, but I still have things I don't forgive." Jack frowns. Bunny huffs, rolling his eyes.

"oh yeah? like what? what have we done thats soooo bad?" Bunny mocks, arms crossed over his chest. Jack glares at him.

"should I start with you, jackass?" Jack scoffs. Bunny looks slightly shocked. "should I start with the blizzard? or the random insults? or how about you trying to punch me because Pitch tricked me? how about the time you broke my staff and left me to lay in agony in the summer heat because I just happened to stumble across you? I wasn't even doing anything, I was just walking around and you attacked me out of nowhere! it took me forever to get home, not that you cared!" Jack glares. Bunny looks away quickly, feeling slightly ashamed. "how about the time I fell into one of your tunnels and you were so angry you tried to kill me?" Jack snaps.

"Bunny!" North glares. Jack turns to the jolly Guardian.

"like you have room to be angry North." Jack glares. North blinks.

"huh?" he ask.

"threatening to take my head off if my ice caused your reindeer to slip again, the first time I ever met you." Jack glares. North frowns looking away. "the only one of you I met that wasn't an ass was Sandy! even Tooth got angry when I made it too cold for her fairies to fly, accidentally! it was my first year alive!" Jack glares. Tooth immediately looks ashamed about her previous actions.

"Jack, we-" Tooth tries again.

"what? you're sorry? too late, three hundred years too late!" Jack snaps. he turns away from them. "now get out of my home." Jack snaps. the four look utterly confused, glancing around.

"the lake...?" Tooth asks. Jack turns back, fire in his eyes.

"of course the lake! what is my home not good enough for you guys either!?" Jack shouts, glaring at them. "clearly I'm not, so it shouldn't be a surprise my home isn't either!" Jack adds.

"Jack, you have no real home?" North asks. the look on Jacks face sours immediately.

"whats the problem with my home North?" Jack snaps.

"home has walls, has roof. lake is not home, is pathetic excuse-" North starts. Jack lets out a scream of frustration, causing the bigger to go quiet. he slams his staff down onto the ice, hard, blowing them back and off the lake. they all go flying, landing hard on the land. Sandy sits up rubbing his head with a frown. the other three slowly manage to gather themselves and get to their feet.

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