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Something that everyone goes through and something that everyone really hates. Instead of waking up for school and coming home to chores, homework, and fun, it's now waking up for work, dealing with shitty bosses and co-workers, and coming home to piles of bills and a small amount of free time. Some people will judge an adult for liking things that are considered childish and pathetic, such as video games, cartoons, or even toys. But, we don't care because we FUCKIN love those things and will gladly take them to our graves. This introduction brings us to our main character.

Y/n P.O.V

Y/n: "Fuckin hell. I hate my damn boss. Always on my ass about those damn reports." He said to himself in a low voice as he drove home from work. "Thank god, that I saved up my vacation days so it's gonna be 3 days of no work and since I live alone in an affordable apartment, I have no other responsibilities. It is time to just relax and finish Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty as I already completed the main game a month ago with all endings. Man, leaving with Panam is the only best option out of the whole game as the other endings were fuckin shit. Who the fuck would accept Hanako's offer?" He finished his thought as he arrived home. 

Once he arrived at his apartment, he parked his car and went inside the organized and empty living room. He immediately dumped his briefcase on the floor and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower so that he could start relaxing. After a five-minute shower, he went to the bedroom to change and came out wearing a black hoodie over a black tank top, sweatpants, and socks. He then went to his recliner, turned on his PS5, and began playing Phantom Liberty.

Y/n: "Alright! Time to finish Phantom Liberty and if I'm done, some classic cartoons." He said with a smile as he began his 3-day vacation. 

3 Days Later

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Y/n groggily opened his eyes as he turned off his alarm and slowly got out of bed.

Y/n: *sighs* "Well vacation is over, time to go to work." He said to himself as he got ready for work and dealt with shitty people. 

After taking only 15 minutes to get ready and eat some toast, Y/n locked his door and headed to his car then drove to work. As he was driving, he was lost in thought.

Y/n: "God damn, that ending was something." He said as he recalled Phantom Liberty. "Honestly, that DLC was mainly if I wanted to be an asshole and save myself, or save her from death since even the president of the country is a massive cunt." (Sorry if this is a spoiler if you haven't completed the game.) "Now, I know why Johnny deserted the army and became a rocker boy to make a statement. Even if it was a dumbass idea to go in guns blazing in Arasaka Towers." He said to himself as he got a 100% completion on the game. "Man, if I was there, I would gladly burn the Corpos to the ground and fix Night City because honestly, it's going to end up killing itself." He said with a smile of imagination if he was in the game.

Y/n continues driving to work in silence. As he was about to make the last turn, he suddenly heard a loud horn that belonged to a semi-truck. He looks to his left and sees a truck driving at full speed... and directing at him!

Y/n: "Oh, you son of a bi-" Before he could even finish his sentence, he was killed immediately as the fast truck crashed into his car.


That's what Y/n sees as he opens his eyes. He then looks around the empty void wondering where he is exactly. 

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