Chapter 13

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The Afterlife. One of the most popular bars in the City of Dreams. This is the place where Mercs from all over NC want to enter to move up to the big leagues of the Edgerunner World. Fixers inside this club only want the best of the best to do their jobs. The more noticeable you are in Night City, the more likely there'll be a drink named after you. It's also a place with high security, not just with a tough bouncer, but also with a skillful Netrunner and the Owner's Bodyguard.

Outside of the entrance to the famous club, is Maine's Edgerunner crew along with the young Martinez, who is very nervous about his first time entering. 

David: "So this is the Afterlife?" He asked with nervousness.

Maine: "The one and only kid. Still can't believe that we're here just so that Borg can spy on this place."

Pilar: "You still mad that you owe him 2 favors?" He said with a smirk at the big guy.

Maine: "Fuck off Pilar." He said with a scowl as he removed his sunglasses. "Didn't know that bastard also implanted me with "The Oracle" Kiroshi Optics." He said as he highlighted the entrance of the Afterlife to look for cameras, secret openings, and the people who were hanging around near it.

Kiwi: "Which is an implant that isn't cheap or easy to get." Said the blonde Netrunner as she was smoking.

Dorio: "Same with the Sandevistan." Said the Ex-Animal as she glanced at David's back, which held the chrome that was supposed to be implanted to her boyfriend.

Rebecca: "Yet this kid was given a rare piece of chrome, a new gadget, and a uniform from my old gang's boss." She said as she looked at David's new outfit.

Since Y/n has given the modified ID10 Seeker Droid to David, he also created the outfit in which the droid was placed. David is wearing the uniform of Inferno Squad, one of the Imperial Special Forces Commando units from Star Wars. It's an all-black, environmentally-sealed uniform with a life-support chest with attachable breathing tubes on its black TIE Pilot helmet.

 It's an all-black, environmentally-sealed uniform with a life-support chest with attachable breathing tubes on its black TIE Pilot helmet

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(I don't own this image. Star Wars is owned by Disney.)

Lucy: "You look like you enjoy cosplaying, you nerd." Said the white-haired netrunner with a giggle.

David, who has his helmet off, looks away with a small blush on his face as he realizes that a cute girl is making fun of this badass outfit.

Rebecca: "Can we hurry this up? I want to get a drink already!" The short Ex-Mox whines at the crew.

Pilar: "Same. Let's get this over with." Said the Tech Junkie.

Maine: "Alright, here's the plan kid. We head to the entrance, the bouncer is gonna ask you to take off that armored vest and will put it in the equipment room next door. Once we are inside we sit by the bar, and once the coast is clear, you say the exact codeword that bot gave ya back at Lizzie's. Once that's done, we leave immediately. Understand?" The Leader asks the newest "recruit." 

David: "G-Got it." He said with nervousness as he put on the helmet.

The Edgerunner crew, and David, walked up to the entrance of the famous club, ignoring the looks they were receiving from the people chilling outside the club. As they were near the entrance, they were stopped by the Afterlife bouncer.

?????: "Hold up, Maine. You know the rules." Said the bouncer. 

Maine: "It ain't my first time here, Emmerick. We know the fuckin rules." He said with an annoyed tone at the bouncer.

Emmerick: "Just doing my job. Who the hell is this kid?" Asked the member of the Animals.

Maine: "Recruit, just showing him the ropes on how we take jobs and who to talk to." He said plainly to the bouncer.

Emmerick: "Let's see if he'll stay alive after a week." He said with a snide tone. "Armoured vests and weapons aren't allowed inside kid. Hand it over, but you can keep your helmet, it just needs to be off once you're inside." He told the Martinez boy.

David nodded before removing his helmet and unclipping the armored vest then handing it over to Emmerick. The crew watches as the bouncer walks to the equipment room on his right before returning to the entrance. 

Emmerick: "Alright, head inside now." He stated as he moved away so the crew could enter.

The Edgerunner walks inside the famous club and sees that it's slightly crowded as usual. David watches in awe as he can't believe that he's inside the famous iconic bar where the who's who of mercs and first-rate fixers gather to kick back or conduct biz. The upcoming new Merc follows the crew to the bar. They took their seats as the bartender walked up to them.

?????: "Maine, good to see ya again." Said the female bartender.

Maine: "Hey Claire, been a while." He greeted back to the bartender.

Dorio: "How's work been, Claire?" Asked the Ex-Animal.

Claire: "Busy as usual. Fixers have a lot of gigs, but they don't want any amateurs doing the job." Said the bartender as she cleaned a glass and then noticed David, who put his helmet on the bar counter. "Who's this?" She asked.

Maine: "New guy that wants to know the life. Giving him the basics then he's one his own." He said with the rest of the crew nodded.

Claire: "Hm, so what will it be today?" She asked the crew. After they gave her their order, she then asked David. "As for you kid, I'll get you a NiCola. We don't serve alcohol to minors." She told David, who sighed as he wanted to see what beer tasted like.

The Afterlife's bartender walked away to prepare the drinks, the Edgerunner crew looked around the area. Maine uses his new Kiroshi Optics to scan everything near them. Cameras, people, screens, anything that can be used to spy on them. After a couple of minutes, the coast was clear. Maine then nodded to Dorio, who nodded to Pilar until Lucy nodded to David, signaling that it was time for his part. David then looked toward the black TIE Pilot helmet and said the exact codeword.

David: "VZ-626."

Meanwhile in the Equipment room near the entrance

The room was full of weapons that were confiscated in the Afterlife. On one of the shelves, laid the black armored vest that was confiscated from David before entering the club. A beep was heard, signaling that the codeword was stated.






Then the tactical droid was deployed for its objective. Hack the Afterlife's Network and send all data to Y/n and the Mox.

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