Chapter 4

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The 2 Moxes stare at Y/n with awe after he kills the attacking Tyger Claws. They stopped their staring once he held them by their waists again and jumped back to the entrance of Lizzie's Bar. 

Rita: "Holy shit input. Thanks again for saving us. These bastards have been near our turf for a while now. Hope, this will send a message to those pricks not to fuck with the Mox, or rather you, input." Said the bouncer.

Y/n can just slightly nod and then point to the bar, signaling them to go inside and check on the other Moxes.

Rita: "Oh shit, the others! Can you stay here for a bit input?" Asked the pink-haired Mox, to which Y/n nodded in reply. "Thanks, come on, Mox." She said to her friend.

(No Joke, the smokin' lady near Rita, is actually called Mox when you scan her.)

Mox: "After you Rita." The other Mox replied.

As Rita and her friend went inside the bar to check the other Moxes, Y/n checked on a dead T.C. corpse to see if they had anything. As he did the same thing with the other corpses, all he got was about 2,000 eddies as he didn't want the clothes and weapons they came with to be useless to him. As he waits near the entrance for the 2 Moxes, he begins to think to himself.

Y/n: 'I know the Mox will be asking a lot of questions. Since I'm taking Soundwave's Prime vow of silence, I need to know how to communicate without talking with them. Hm, what should I do?' He said in thought as he thought on what can do to communicate with people, not just the Mox. '...I got it.' He said with an idea.

His visor lit up, revealing images of tons of cassettes, but he was focusing on the first cassette, which was the red one.

Y/n: 'Laserbeak can speak for me. Since I'm not the original Soundwave, I can control the cassettes to my favor. Hell, I can pretty much install an A.I., but knowing in this world, it could lead to consequences. It's best that I just take control of them instead.' He said to himself. 'For now, I should get rid of these bodies as I wait for them.' He then began to gather the dead T.C. in a pile.

Luckily, there was nobody near Lizzies, which must have been when they started shooting. Since there was a dumpster near Lizzie's, he just dumped the corpses there and went back to wait to the entrance to wait for the Moxes. Just a minute later, the doors were opened, revealing Rita and the other Mox.

Rita: "Come on in Stud, everyone wants to meet you." She said to the Decepticon.

Y/n nodded and finally went inside Lizzle's Bar. They walked passed the empty front desk, which was a surprise to him, since in the game, there was a Mox who told V that they had a sweet face. The three of them were now in the lobby, which was full of Moxes and no customers.

?????: "So this is the one, right Rita?" Asked a female.

Y/n turned to see who it was. He scans the woman behind his visor, revealing it to be Susanna Quinn or Susie Q, the current leader of the Mox.

Susie: "First, thanks for saving 2 of the Moxes and protecting Lizzie's from the Tyger Claw." She stated as Y/n nodded. "Now second, who the hell are you exactly? Rita never got your name." She questioned.

Rita: "Stud here doesn't talk, Susie." The bouncer informed the leader. 

Susie: "Then how will he answer our question?"

The Cyber Goddess's chosen visors began to light up, which gained all the Mox's attention as they had never seen an implant like that. They see a red cassette on his screen before his chest opens, and a red cassette comes out. The Mox watched in awe as the floating cassette began to transform into a cybernetic bird.

Rita: "Nova! I didn't know you could also do that, input." She said with admiration. 

Susie: "What the fuck is that?" She demanded as she was on guard to see if Y/n would attack them.

?????: "I don't know, but that looks cool as hell." Said another female Mox, who happens to be the lovable Judy Alvarez.

Laserbeak: "Thank you for the compliment." Said the Decepticon Mini-cassette as he had the Bayverse Laserbeak's voice.

Mox: "WHAT THE FUCK!!!! IT TALKS!!!" All Moxes shouted in fright as the machine talked to them.

Laserbeak: "Of course I can communicate. Soundwave has programmed me to." Said the red cassette.

Rita: "Wait, Soundwave? That's your name input?" Asked the bouncer.

Y/n nodded at the question and continued to communicate with Laserbeak.

Laserbeak: "Soundwave is one of his many aliases. In this appearance, he is called Soundwave." He stated.

Judy: "T-then what's yours?" She asked nervously.

Laserbeak: "I am Laserbeak. One of Soundwave's Spies. Any information and data he requires, we go and retrieve it." He explains to them.

Susie: "R-Right. That's very impressive. So Soundwave, now that we know who you are, how can we repay you, because we know that you didn't do this out of kindness." The leader stated with facts. 

Y/n looks at Laserbeak to speak for him.

Laserbeak: "Soundwave stated that all he wants is just information as he is new in this city. He also says that he would like a "partnership" between your organization and himself." The cassette informs the gang.

Susie begins thinking if she should agree to this since Y/n is a stranger and doesn't know what exactly are his true intentions. She's afraid that he will betray them and get the Mox killed for his gain. As she was thinking, Rita said something that got everybody's attention.

Rita: "Partnership? Fuck that! How about you join the Mox, input?" Asked the bat-wielder. 

All the Mox looked at Rita with bewilderment as she asked a ridiculous question. The reason for that is because the Mox is mainly made up of NC's outcasts, sex workers, and sexual minorities. They don't really get offers from civilians to join their gang.

Y/n: 'Hm, that's... a surprise.' He said in his head as he went into a thinking position about Rita's offer. 'If I'm going to destroy the corporations, I can't do it alone. There are some advantages to this as Lizzie often gets Corpos who are looking to relax. This makes it an advantage to gather more information on the corporations, especially since there are cameras all over the building. Thanks to Judy being a BD editor, we got a lot of information in the game. In fact, joining them will give me a base of operations. I can help improve their gang to gain their complete trust. Who knows, maybe they can become the new Decepticons.' He said as he thought of this very carefully as he looked at Laserbeak.

Laserbeak: "Soundwave has thought about your offer very carefully." The mini-cassette said to the Moxes.

The Moxes looked at Laserbeak with anticipation of what Y/n's answer will be. Many of them are hoping Y/n will join them as he seems very intelligent, while others are still suspicious of him and Laserbeak as they don't know if can be trusted or not.

Susie: "What will it be?" Asked the Mox leader. 

Laserbeak: "... Soundwave accepts your offer. He will join your group." He said with a screech.

Many of the Mox cheered at this as they had a one-of-kind person in their gang. Y/n has a small smirk behind his mask as he will now have chooms that will help him on his journey.

Susie: "So Soundwave, what else can you do now that you joined us?" Asked the leader with curiosity. 

Laserbeak: "Soundwave is a master in hand-to-hand combat as well as weaponry. He can hack into many devices no matter how powerful the security is. He is also a master engineer and has a high knowledge of the medical field." The Spybot replies to Susie, without giving them much information. 

All the Moxes were wide-eyed at what they had heard. Not only is Soundwave very intelligent, but he's a very skillful Netrunner and is also a Ripperdoc. Soundwave is truly one of a kind, and he is their ally. 

All Moxes: "Nova." They said in unison.

Y/n's quest will soon begin.

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