Chapter 6

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David's P.O.V.

David: 'Pain... that's all I'm feeling right now.' He said in his thoughts as he found himself buried under crashed car parts with fire all around him.  'All of this...  was because I'm nothing more than a dumbass.' He said as he continued to look at his wounded mother is who slightly breathing. 

The young Hispanic boy looks up and sees an AV, belonging to the Trauma Team, about to descend. Once it's near the ground, a few armored medics come out with weapons drawn, searching for their client. 

David: 'Is that the Trauma Team? Oh, thank Christ.' He said in silence while looking at the Medical Corporation. 

TT1: "He's not a client." Said a male member as he looked at the wounded boy.

TT2: "Neither is she." Said a female as she looked at the wounded Gloria Martinez.

David: 'Hey, wait!' He yells silently in panic after he hears what the Trauma Team members say.

TT1: "Secure the policyholder. Leave them to the city meat wagons." He said to his comrade.

TT2: "Copy that." She nodded in agreement as they went for their client who does have Trauma Team coverage.

David: 'What the hell? Hey! Where are you going? He yells in panic 'Shit! No way! Just going to leave us here?! Mom! Momma! Mom, wake up! Fսcking piece of...' He rages in his head as he continues to try to get the broken car parts after him as he sees the Trauma Team putting someone, most likely a corpo, on the stretcher. 'Someone... anyone... PLEASE HELP US!' He yells in his mind.

No One's P.O.V.

Suddenly, the Trauma Team heard the sound of a car engine. All of them, including the wounded David, look to see where the sound is coming from. They see a gray flatbed truck with purple neon lights and black tinted windows driving toward them. Once it was close enough, the truck stopped.

 Once it was close enough, the truck stopped

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TT1: "Hey, get back!" He yells as he and his partner aim their weapons at them.

TT2: "If you come any closer, we will open fire! This is your only!" The female trauma team yells with her finger on the trigger.

TT1: "Pilot, get the Policyholder inside, now!" He yells in his radio while still aiming at the truck.

Pilot: "Copy!" He yells as he puts the AV on standby and gets out of his seat to pull the client inside.

Suddenly, a pair of twin gun barrels popped out of each side of the hood with handles and aimed at them.

TT1: "Open Fire!" He commands as both of them begin to shoot.

It was futile as the bullets weren't doing any damage and the truck began to fire back at them. David watched with wide eyes as the Trauma Team members, including the pilot, were being riddled with bullets, penetrating their armor and spreading their blood all over the area. After a few more seconds, the truck stopped firing and the weapons returned back inside the truck. Only for a grenade launcher to pop out of the middle of the hood and aimed at AV. A grenade was launched and once it made contact, it exploded alongside the dead Trauma Team crew and the now-dead client Corpo.

Y/n: "Glit Eject. Operation, Stabalize." His monotone voice announced as a white cassette came out of the cassette player inside him and it transformed into a mini-con that bears a resemblance to Ravage.

" His monotone voice announced as a white cassette came out of the cassette player inside him and it transformed into a mini-con that bears a resemblance to Ravage

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(I don't own this image and Transformers is owned by Hasbro.)

The mini-cassette then walked to the unconscious Gloria and began scanning her. A second later, Glit picks up her with his jaw and puts her on her back then heads to the flatbed of the truck and gently puts her there.

David: 'N-Nova.' He said in his head as he saw a cool-looking animal bot coming out of an armored truck that killed the Trauma Team that was going to abandon them. 

The sound of an AV got both Glit and David's attention. They see that another squad of the Trauma Team is about to land. Only for Glit to fire one of his rockets and hit the AV, causing it to spiral out of control before crashing on the highway and being engulfed in a fiery explosion. Glit then continues to walk to David, ignoring the screams of the burning Trauma Team.

David: 'Ha... G-Good Riddance...asswipes.' He thought with a smile as he began to lose consciousness, but continued to look at the approaching Glit. ' us?' He thought before closing his eyes.

Like with David, Glit scans David before picking him up and returning to the truck, putting him on the flatbed, and then jumping into the driver's seat.

Y/n: "Let us return to base." He said in a monotone voice from the cassette player and headed back to the Mox, ramming through broken debris and leaving the burned AV with its victims.

This is the first step.

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