10 - Trainings Begin

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Togan opened his eyes and looked at the clock. For a moment he was under the delusion that he was late. He had felt to sleep well. Such was his favorite way to start the day. When he left the bed, he had no desire to return.

He mentally checked his plans for the day. He was going to train in the sacred forest for the first time. He reviewed the training program on his clipboard. There was time travel and therapy on today, power-energy and transport on Tuesday, telepathy on Wednesday, thinking on Thursday, and duello training on Friday afternoon.

He opened the cupboard door. He took in his hands the uniform silvery-colored canvas trousers and polo-neck t-shirt that his aunt had ironed and hung up the previous day, which the thinkers would wear during the trainings. In the upper left corner of the T-shirt was the dark grey crest of the thinkers.

While he was getting dressed, he thought about his arrival to this day, to this point. Life was changing every moment. He was becoming happy that he could not get what he wanted yesterday. While yesterday there was sadness in silvery colors, today there was joy.

He held in the palm of his hand the paper cube ball, which was given to him by the sacred forest at the end of the fass search camp, which he was told to use during the transition to the forest and which emitted white light beams like dust. They called this cube of paper ball as the Raymoon Gate. After what he had seen, he did not doubt what this cube could achieve. Still, he could not hide his admiration while looking at it. Smiling, he threw it into the air and grabbed it again through the scattered white light beams and put it in his pocket. The Raymoon Gate, which the forest presented personalized for the trainees, could be used during the hours activated by the forest. The cube, which was dim yesterday, was now shining with beams of light.

Before leaving the room, he said goodbye to his father's watch and his mother's fass, as he had been doing lately. He had longed to carry it with him, but the fear of losing it had always outweighed it. Leaving both the fass and the watch behind, he headed for the door.

He began to theorize in his head about the way the ray door worked. He looked for a protrusion like the one on the invitation cube, but he couldn't see it. He thought maybe he could ask Claire about it, like a counsellor he had in mind. After all, she wasn't a callow like him, she was experienced. All these thoughts in his mind were loud enough to turn into a telepathic voice, but he didn't realize it.

*"What's going on?" Claire said, her voice groggy. "We don't do this whenever we feel like it, certainly not in the middle of the night." She added angrily. "Didn't they teach you not to disturb people when they're sleeping?"

*"But it's eight o'clock in the morning." Togan said, puzzled. "Besides, I didn't intend to telepathize, I don't know how it happened."

*"You mustn't forget the fact that it's nowhere near eight o'clock all over the world, Mr. Togan." 

Claire emphasized the word 'Mr.' and tried to convey the intensity of her anger.

Togan had no idea where Claire lived. In fact, when he thought about it, he realized that he knew nothing about her.

*"I don't know where you live." Togan said, curiosity lurking in his voice. "I don't even know anything about you."

*"Now you're thinking about it." Said Claire, disgruntled. "I'm Belgian, but I'm on an island in the Mediterranean."

*"You speak my language." Togan said, surprised.

Come to think of it, it wasn't only Claire who could speak his language, but Amy could speak his language fluently, without any accent problems.

*"Of course, I don't speak your language." Claire said, huffing as if she was explaining the times tables to a small child for the first time. "I perceive words the way your mind perceives them. So, I'm you in your head, I hear the way you hear, I smell the way you smell, I see the way you see." He added. "From my point of view, you seem to be speaking my language. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go to sleep, or even cut off our communication before I hear your answer."

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