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if riize is roty ill do sungtaro temperature play


Another day of boring classes. Sigh. Big sigh. Big fucking sigh. If his teacher wasn't the most monotonous-sounding individual he's ever heard in his life, he would probably be paying attention. But he's distracted, as always. He was content with tracing shapes and random figures onto the wood table with his fingers. Mindlessly spacing out in the process.

Thankfully, he shares this class with Sungchan who's minding his own business beside him. He's off in his own world, hiding his phone under the desk.

"Hey," Jeno whispers, nudging Sungchan's leg with his own. "What are you doing?"

"Talking to Shotaro," he replies plainly, shrugging his shoulders. "He's trying to make me do something stupid for him and Jaemin's bet thing."

Jeno leans a little closer, peeking at Sungcham's phone. The latter of the two shows his screen, "Wow."


Shotaro's texts are sweet. It makes Jeno aw at the genuity, the fluff! So wholesome. Meanwhile, he and Jaemin are unhinged, full of random shit. The fluff is saved for face-to-face interactions which Jeno thinks is equally as sweet. Though, the sweetness in Shotaro's texts now has a layer of horniness that's ridiculously bad porn-like.

The man is trying to convince—or persuade—Sungchan to take videos of himself in the school toilets. While reading, Jeno thinks that Jaemin is probably asking the same thing. He thinks, he can feel the cogs turning in his head.

"Hey," he calls again, nudging Sungchan, "wanna?"

Sungchan looks at him weirdly, judgemental, "What?"

"Y'know." Jeno tilts his head, a small smirk on his lips. He doesn't know if he'll regret this. Still, he carefully mouths the words: "Wanna fuck?"

Sungchan is taken aback. He looks genuinely concerned, panicky even. "I—what?" He reminds himself to keep his voice down, "Are you serious? Jeno, that's… weird!"

He understands that. They talked about this before when discussing the whole month of bets. They can do whatever they want with one another. As long as everything's consensual. Though, this is the first time they're actually going to try anything with each other.

"Remember you don't have to." Jeno shrugs, "I just thought this would be a good opportunity to get back at them."

"Get back at them?" Sungchan's 'whispers' are becoming louder by the second, Jeno nudges him again to remind him to keep it down. "Like, how?"

He hums, thinking a little more, with his actual head this time not the other one, "If they can do whatever they want with us, we should take back control right?" He analyzes the look on Sungchans face. He's quiet, brows furrowed. He wasn't looking at his phone anymore, not even looking at Jeno, instead looking straight ahead at the board. Jeno thinks he wasn't up to it, "We don't have to, just something I thought." Sungchan is always on his knees for Shotaro after all, he wouldn't dare disobey the man. Maybe they have some sort of 'can't touch yourself' rule.

But Jeno swears he hears Sungchan mutter under his breath, "I'm not against it."

Oh, well.


Sungchan is seated on the toilet in one of the—limited—cubicles of the men's room. They took the long trek to one of the more 'cleaner' ones, discussing on the way who was more fitting to top. They eventually decided that Sungchan (no matter how many times he defends himself by saying he's fucked Shotaro before) cannot dom at all. Jeno at least has experience.

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