Part 1

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Walking into the master's estate was raven haired man with beautiful ocean eyes , soft plump lips ,and porcelain skin.

All eyes were on him , wondering who this beauty was and thinking of approaching him. But the man's stoic and emotionless face made him quiet intimidating and cold for anyone to do so.

Everyone present was staring at the man with an "are you fallin in love" expression but still controlled themselves , hoping no-one would notice whereas the raven-head was only confused of why these weird people were looking at him and where the master was.

Then, at that moment, the twins came out and started speaking in unison.

" The master of the estate has arrived. "

All eyes were now off of the man relieving him and on the master , bowing down to him in respect. Having a clue on what to do, the raven-head also bowed down in respect and spoke in a soft voice

" Greetings to the master of the estate, I wish for your better health. How are you today , master? "

Everyone was shocked at how this unknown person spoke before Shinazugawa Sanemi, the Wind pillar.

" I am doing fine , my child. Why don't you come and sit beside me and in front of everyone so I can introduce you. "

" Yes, as you wish , master. "

The young man then went upfront and stood beside the master giving everyone a proper view of his face , intriguing everyone to know who he was.

" This is Tomioka Giyuu , The new Water pillar."

Everyone present was surprised at the announcement and thought how such a soft and beautiful looking boy could take up on a job as dangerous as being a demon slayer and even become a Hashira.

" What a load of nonsense,  Master I apologise for my language but this isn't right , he seems weak and doesn't look like a guy suitable for this job, he's just going to get himself killed , hah, I bet I can beat him in a matter of seconds. "

" Then you both shall spar till one of you is knocked out to prove that tomioka can stand his ground. "

Everyone was now worried for Tomioka as Shinazugawa was the second strongest hashira among them but what they didn't know was that the same hashira was going to get beaten black and blue.


Hey berries! Hope you're having a great day by far and I just wanted to say that this is my first time writing something and publishing it. It isn't good but I tried my best. Please drop your opinions in the comments!

Bye!( ^ω^ )

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