Embarrassing Fright.

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It had been a month since Alice was left the only child in the household. It seemed it was the hardest month of her "training" to become a wife and mother to ugly babies with an old insect of a man.

She was scolded and made to perform everything in a delicate manner, how to eat different foods, how to drink, how to walk, how to read a book, how to breathe, and she was honestly sick out of her mind of her mother being obsessed with forcing money out of old men.

The last few days leading up to her introduction to her majesty were stressful. She had vivid memories of being stood in the modiste, day dreaming about how these days are her last days of freedom. And she's spending them inside waiting for a silly pearl white gown to be fitted around her body. She thought it stupid because every other girl in the ton would be wearing a dress exactly the same to the one which was being sewn onto her. She wanted to be unique.

When she did get her own time, she did what she knew best, rode.

She sneaked out the house, slipped one of the horses out of the stable and wore her gear. The evening sky  always displayed a sunset when she went on her horse rides. Rain or shine, she rode. She decided she would ride one last time before the season starts, to give herself a sense of peace.

It was pouring down with rain, frost was biting at her rosy cheeks, whilst heavy droplets slashed against her cloak. This was her favourite weather, rarely anyone was ever around, and she got time to herself.

She rode for what felt like hours, until she stopped for a small rest. Alice was exhausted and the sudden sound of a twig snapping made her jump off her horse in quite a disorderly manner.
A hefty groan was heard as she had found herself in a heap on the floor. She saw someone in the distance, but quickly picked up her riding gear and rode off.
Embarrassment was making her cheeks shine a ruby red , and she did not want to be in that situation any longer.

Finally the day had come.

Spring was dawning, the fresh smell of flower gardens twirled through the air.

It was time for the ritual-like event of meeting her majesty. Alice barely slept, waking up with dark shadows beneath her eyes.

Her thoughts raced but one that she knew for sure was that she just needs to get it over and done with.

Maya had her dress ready and was at Alice 's side within seconds of her eyes opening.

"Miss, would you like your makeup or your gown first? Or your hair! I am so excited for you, you are fin-" Maya was thrilled.


"Oh okay miss, please could you st-"

"Yes, just get it over and done with."

Alice was feeling nauseous and terrified, after today, she could be promised to someone at any given moment. Her heart felt like a pouncing lion trying to escape out.

She got dressed, had her makeup done, had her hair done, and after all the fuss, she was emotionless. Just knowing the more she stresses, the more it will affect her.

As the clock ticked, she eventually stood up, linked arms with her mother, and strolled out to the carriage. Nobody had yet noticed the limp she seemed to be displaying, not even her.

"Your fate awaits my dear! I hope you are ever so excited"
Mrs Clove's face had warmed up a smile.

Alice took a deep breath, then nodded.

Here we go.

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