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The Bridgerton House was a rush all morning, it was Eloise's introduction to her first ever season, and it had to be a blast!
She hated all this fancy dress stuff, and hoped she'd be a spinster and be the fun aunt to all her nieces and nephews. She thought it ought to be impossible though.

Came the noise from a bedroom door.
Whoever it was did not seem to have any patience, they slammed the door open with brute force.

"Benedict! Mama has been calling for you for an hour! Wake up you idiot!" Came a high pitched voice, Hyacinth.
He groaned, now his brother was also married off, his mother would be bugging him up until the day he decides to wed. He lifted up his head as he spoke, "Tell her that I simply am ill."
Hyacinth giggled. "She already said that if you use that excuse then I get to drag you out of bed!" She ran over and started tugging him until he stood up out of bed.
He chased her out of the room while he changed into something other than his breeches and his sleep shirt.
It didn't look much different, he wore breeches of a darker colour and a white shirt, with the rest of his attire loaded on top.

All of the bridgertons, except Eloise, found themselves surrounding a door, waiting for her late entrance.

Finally the door opened, and out came Number 5 of the bridgerton children, Eloise. She looked miserable, clearly disappointed that she was not allowed to hold back another year.
"If one of you utters a single word.." She huffed. She collected the train of her dress before speaking again, "let us get this over with.".

They found themselves all separated into a few carriages, and soon infront of the palace, along with many other debutantes. Benedict shut his eyes and groaned.
"Something wrong, brother?" Asked Anthony, who was stood outside with the rest of the family.
"No, Why do you ask?"
"I just mean to say, you have not yet left the carriage?"
He clambered out and with a small smirk said, "What do you mean, I am not anywhere near the carriage." And he started to walk away to the room where all the families stand and wait.

Benedict had been staring into space for a lot of the ceremony, much to his mother's dismay, he was not looking for a wife, more looking for an escape.
He snapped back to reality when he heard
"Miss Eloise Bridgerton, and Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton."
Anyone in that room had to admit she looked most uncomfortable, opposing to the majority of the girls there, she did not want to be apart of it. She was graceful though, that they had to admit.

After she had finished Benedict decided this was the right time to make his escape, not too far, but far enough to not have his thoughts interrupted by pesky mamas.

A little walk around led him to the beautiful flower gardens owned by the king and queen, although only the queen had a say in the arrangements of plants.
In there, he pondered who his future life would be with, would he ever marry, will he love his future wife, then he got distracted with thoughts of how beautiful a painting the garden would make, or maybe-

He was interrupted, by what he doesn't know, he was now on the floor though, and he was a little dazed.
It took him a minute to realise somebody had ran into him, and pretty much tackled him. He started getting frustrated until he saw a young woman, clearly distraught.
Something must of happened inside the introductory ceremony.
Her hair was a dark blonde, almost a fade between blonde and brunette, all of the pins had been clearly pried out and her hair tumbled over her face as she sat up.
"Not looking where you're going?" He said out of breath, he had pretty much winded her.
He looked at her eyes, filled with tears, but a gorgeous hazel colour, he didn't think he'd ever seen anyone with eyes like that before. But suddenly they filled with terror.
"Oh my goodness.. y- your Benedict bridg-"
He nodded and teased "I believe that I know my name miss."
"I am so sorry sir, I did not know you were there, please forgive me, I shall be on my way."
With one quick motion, she stood up and was walking away hastily, until Benedict spoke, not even realising the words had come out of his mouth.
"Stop, Miss, may I ask your name?"
She stopped and turned. "My name..? Oh, I'm Miss Clove. Please do not bill my mother, she will go crazy"
His lips parted as he struggled with what to say, his brain wasn't functioning how he wanted it to. After an awkward pause, she bowed down her head and ran off, into the distance and probably off to her carriage.

As we watched her speed down the evergreen maze of hedges, he mentally slapped himself, he could have asked for her first name but that's impolite to a woman you've just met. He felt dearly sorry for the girl, perhaps the queen had been feeling mean today.

Oh well, he thought, he should not worry about a girl he does not know.

He found a nearby bench and huffed as he sprawled out, still catching his breath.. He must of seemed awfully rude.

No. He was to stop thinking of that, maybe he should find his brother, perhaps listen to Anthony's utter boring stories.

He stumbled inside and instantly straightened his back. He found his brother by the refreshments, grabbing a champagne flute.

"Oh hello Benedict." He was surprised to see his brother seeking him out.

"Hello, brother."

"Are you quite alright" Anthony's eyebrow had raised a little, he had noticed his brother seemed to be out of breath.

"Mhm, just fine.."

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